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  • Posted on Mar 7th, 2023, 5:59 PM, , User Since 160 months ago, User Post Count: 5009

    • Mar 7th, 2023, 5:59 PM
    • 160 months
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    Acually live in Stillwater? We are thinking about moving from Houston to Bartlesville or Stillwater to retire. Just something more low key than Oklahoma City or Tulsa.

    Research shows Stilly has a lower cost of living, lower property taxes and the crime rate is well below the national or state average. Obviously I graduated from OSU but never thought

    about returning to retire.

    Would value your opinions.

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  • Posted on Mar 7th, 2023, 6:24 PM, , User Since 250 months ago, User Post Count: 3434

    • Mar 7th, 2023, 6:24 PM
    • 250 months
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    I lived there for many years coming from a major west coast city. Loved it. I prefer it over Bartlesville for many reasons.

    This post was edited by LoneWattie 1 year ago

  • Posted on Mar 7th, 2023, 6:32 PM, , User Since 254 months ago, User Post Count: 10211

    • Mar 7th, 2023, 6:32 PM
    • 254 months
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    I used to live in Houston. That was not fun at all. As you well know, DRIVING is a high pressure experience.

    I Don’t live in Stillwater, but live in OKC. If I was you, I’d pick Tulsa over OKC if the decision is just between those 2 cities. I know everyone living in Tulsa would agree with that. And probably 50% of the people in OKC would agree with that. The reason I have mentioned this is because living in OKC is 20 to 50 times better than living in Houston. If you’ve tolerated Houston for many years, a Tulsa experience would seem like Heaven and OKC would seem like a HUGE upgrade!!!!

    NOW —- Your choice between Bartlesville and Stillwater is an interesting one to me. Why not Stillwater if it’s between those 2 places??

    Reasons for Stillwater over Bartlesville:

    1. OSU Ballgames. You can buy season tickets and go for an hour or other short time period and not feel like you have to stay at the game the whole time to get your money’s worth. Buy season tickets to OSU softball and/or baseball, and go when you feel like it. Think about seeing our Tennis teams, our wrestling team, our soccer team, etc. etc. and you don’t have to drive a long ways and you can leave on a moment’s notice to go home in case you need something. Much better than living an hour or two or three hours away.

    2. Medical facilities. I have no idea which is better. But you need to consider the future. Perhaps you can do some research and see if Bartlesville or Stillwater has a clear advantage here. Do you have specific specialized Doctors you need? Good gracious that’s a big reason to choose one place over another.

    3. Location to better medical facilities: Bartlesville only has Tulsa. Stillwater is equal distance between Tulsa and OKC, so that would double your choices.

    4. Cost of living today does not equal Cost of living in the future. I would think Bartlesville will be cheaper than Stillwater in the long run. Probably so now also. But the small difference in local prices is not enough money for you to make a decision on this reason. So if I was you i’d FORGET the small differences in cost of living between those two choices.

    5. Guthrie, Oklahoma might be a decent choice for you. Close access to Stillwater an Close access to OKC. Rural living also. Much better than the hustle and bustle of Traffic in Edmond Oklahoma. So if you’re thinking about Bartlesville, you might as well expand to some small town just outside Tulsa or OKC.

    6. I’d get out of Houston as fast as I could if I were you. But i already did that many many years ago.

    This post was edited by TrueAnalyst 1 year ago

  • Posted on Mar 7th, 2023, 6:41 PM, , User Since 254 months ago, User Post Count: 10211

    • Mar 7th, 2023, 6:41 PM
    • 254 months
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    One other thing I forgot to mention.

    If i lived in Stillwater I would attend lots of OSU symphony concerts and recitals and special guest performers. I’d be attending several of those and OSU will get artists and performers there far greater in number than Bartlesville.

    Heck, I like jazz bands and I’m sure OSu has jazz band concerts a couple of times a year. In addition, there will be special other things going on at OSu that are NOT in Bartlesville.

    So the choice between Bartlesville and Stillwater would be a no brainer to me. Family reasons would be the only reason I think to choose Bartlesville over the variety of entertainment you have in Stillwater.

  • Posted on Mar 7th, 2023, 7:08 PM, , User Since 227 months ago, User Post Count: 1643

    • Mar 7th, 2023, 7:08 PM
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  • Posted on Mar 7th, 2023, 7:31 PM, , User Since 209 months ago, User Post Count: 8545

    • Mar 7th, 2023, 7:31 PM
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    As far as Medical care- Bartlesville hospital is part of Ascension, a Catholic chain that's relatively small, Stillwater is an independent community hospital. Both are well respected full service community hospitals and there are plenty of primary and specialty physicians at each.

  • Posted on Mar 7th, 2023, 7:42 PM, , User Since 131 months ago, User Post Count: 246

    • Mar 7th, 2023, 7:42 PM
    • 131 months
    • 246

    I live in Stillwater. Tax rate in Stillwater is one of the highest in the state (9.31%) but cost of living is great and Stillwater Medical Center is one of the best hospitals in the state.

  • Posted on Mar 7th, 2023, 8:40 PM, , User Since 200 months ago, User Post Count: 8190

    • Mar 7th, 2023, 8:40 PM
    • 200 months
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    I attended junior high in Bartlesville. Excellent place to live, but I would prefer Stillwater because it is a fairly long drive back to OSU events. I have to agree with the notion that another poster stated about preferring Tulsa over OKC. I live close to OKC but I always preferred Tulsa if I somehow long ago had been able to work close to Tulsa and live close to Tulsa. I think GA is of course correct as far as health care as it concerns Stillwater and Bartlesville. I still have relatives who live in Bartlesville, but my mother lived in Stillwater for many years while she worked for OSU.

    From everything I have ever heard from my relatives who lived in or near Houston it would be far down my list of places to retire to. Very little zoning and horrible traffic. You can buy a nice house in a new addition in or near Houston and the next thing that might happen is a chemical plant might get built next to your housing addition.

    This post was edited by MrMcC 1 year ago

  • Posted on Mar 7th, 2023, 8:44 PM, , User Since 205 months ago, User Post Count: 5785

    • Mar 7th, 2023, 8:44 PM
    • 205 months
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    Unlike Bartlesville, Stilly is strategically located an hour away from either of the state’s two largest metropolitan areas, OKC and Tulsa. When I lived there for 20 years as an adult my family took advantage of that splitting time equally between them for cultural activities that we couldn’t find in Stillwater. I hated it when my job required me to leave and move to OKC. I’d recommend Stillwater!

  • Posted on Mar 7th, 2023, 8:48 PM, , User Since 200 months ago, User Post Count: 8190

    • Mar 7th, 2023, 8:48 PM
    • 200 months
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    PokeFlyfisher said... (original post) Unlike Bartlesville, Stilly is strategically located an hour away from either of the state’s two largest metropolitan areas, OKC and Tulsa. W...

    Reminds me of how important the building of the McKnight Center is. IMO that structure and the events it attracts was more important than the athletic village. It put an exclamation point on OSU becoming an outstanding large public university. It was the one thing that OSU lacked that was necessary for OSU to be perceived nationally as among the very best public universities.

  • Posted on Mar 7th, 2023, 8:50 PM, , User Since 200 months ago, User Post Count: 96

    • Mar 7th, 2023, 8:50 PM
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    When I retired we lived in Bartlesville. Fine city, but about 110 miles to Stillwater one way. We moved to Stillwater to get as far away from as many Ou fans as we could.

  • Posted on Mar 7th, 2023, 8:52 PM, , User Since 205 months ago, User Post Count: 5785

    • Mar 7th, 2023, 8:52 PM
    • 205 months
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    Exactly! I wish the McKnight Center would have been there when we lived in Stillwater!

  • Posted on Mar 7th, 2023, 9:01 PM, , User Since 227 months ago, User Post Count: 1643

    • Mar 7th, 2023, 9:01 PM
    • 227 months
    • 1643

    MrMcC said... (original post) I attended junior high in Bartlesville. Excellent place to live, but I would prefer Stillwater because it is a fairly long drive back to OSU events. ...

    Or freeway

  • Posted on Mar 7th, 2023, 9:51 PM, , User Since 163 months ago, User Post Count: 3560

    • Mar 7th, 2023, 9:51 PM
    • 163 months
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    When we lived in OKC I always thought Stillwater would be a good place to retire. Lots of Cowboy stuff handy and most college towns tend to be an oasis of more open-minded, centrist thinking. If that is the reality, then I would still pick Stillwater over OKC (obviously) and Tulsa...a clear second.

  • Posted on Mar 7th, 2023, 10:41 PM, , User Since 166 months ago, User Post Count: 1595

    • Mar 7th, 2023, 10:41 PM
    • 166 months
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    I've lived in Tulsa or Stillwater all but 2 of my 51 years. I have no complaints, although Tulsa has its rough patches like any other large city. For retirement, I'd say Stillwater if you are trying to get away from traffic, crime, etc. 30 years ago my answer would have been Tulsa, but there are plenty of things to do in Stillwater now.

  • Posted on Mar 7th, 2023, 11:27 PM, , User Since 200 months ago, User Post Count: 8190

    • Mar 7th, 2023, 11:27 PM
    • 200 months
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    PokeFlyfisher said... (original post) Exactly! I wish the McKnight Center would have been there when we lived in Stillwater!

    Hard for any university to top OSU's partnership with the New York Philharmonic. Without the McKnight Center that would never have happened.

  • Posted on Mar 7th, 2023, 11:39 PM, , User Since 233 months ago, User Post Count: 31546

    • Mar 7th, 2023, 11:39 PM
    • 233 months
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    I live in Stillwater and the city is growing with a building boom of housing and City beautification and walkability improving. With American Airlines incoming and outgoing flights at the Stillwater Airport and new business and industry coming to Stillwater it will only get better.

    The city received some grant money to remove old dilapidated or condemned buildings and provide or assist building new replacement structures.

    I am happy here and plan on staying. I have been here for five years. Traffic can be a problem especially when students are on campus. I only go to campus for games now. There is always some construction going on and now they are redoing Perkins Road and this is supposed to be ongoing to some extent due to all the potholes and bumpy roads throughout the city.

    City dwellers have assess to the OSU Recreation center for a reasonable fee.
    I used to go to Stillwater Medical Center but I decided to go to OKC Mercy for my medical needs. It would be helpful if there were more medical providers outside of SMC in Stillwater.

  • Posted on Mar 8th, 2023, 12:07 AM, , User Since 18 months ago, User Post Count: 1834

    • Mar 8th, 2023, 12:07 AM
    • 18 months
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    SierraPoke2 said... (original post) When we lived in OKC I always thought Stillwater would be a good place to retire. Lots of Cowboy stuff handy and most college towns tend to be ...

    I'm not sure I'd call Stillwater Centrist. The second term mayor is demonstrably liberal and I believe every member of the city council is a registered democrat. In 2020, Stillwater was one of the first Oklahoma towns to lockdown. The mayor proclaimed a lockdown after 1 person in Payne county tested positive, though the big corporate box stores were allowed to stay open the whole time. Even the outdoor playgrounds were wrapped in caution tape and roped off as too dangerous. Additionally, the university has become more liberal over the last few years. (I have multiple family members attending and they talk about what they are learning...I won't get into it, but it's not anything like the practical education I received many years ago.) So you have the power structure and the school as liberal, but the surrounding communities and non-school population are mostly conservative.

    Property tax on houses increased 7.2% last year. The cap is supposed to be 5% per year, but the city passes various bonds seemingly every year and they add that on top of the 5% tax increases. Our mayor and council also raised Utility rates this last year, on top of the maximum tax increase on property taxes. It's getting borderline expensive to live here. My wife and I have started looking for a new place to retire, as the current rate of increases will make life less comfortable as we get older and our incomes become fixed.

    All of that said, it's still a nice town. The non-politicians that actually maintain the town do a great job. The community development people are very helpful. If you need the police, they'll be there in a few minutes. Power goes out in the middle of the night, someone is probably already on the way by the time you call in. Pretty decent variety of restaurants and a surprising number of activities for kids and families. And all of the OSU stuff, of course.

    If we could slow down the alarming increases in cost of living, and maybe get a little more representation for the blue collar, non-university population, I'd say pick Stillwater. But after seeing how much a single politician can affect your economy, your personal income, your daily routine....I'd avoid towns that are 100% blue politically. Find a place with lower property taxes and that has a more balanced political structure.

  • Posted on Mar 8th, 2023, 6:06 AM, , User Since 57 months ago, User Post Count: 199

    • Mar 8th, 2023, 6:06 AM
    • 57 months
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    For what it’s worth… Stillwater public schools are and have been for years rated a 10 out of 10 on Zillow.

  • Posted on Mar 8th, 2023, 7:54 AM, , User Since 212 months ago, User Post Count: 1237

    • Mar 8th, 2023, 7:54 AM
    • 212 months
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    TrueAnalyst said... (original post) I used to live in Houston. That was not fun at all. As you well know, DRIVING is a high pressure experience. I Don’t live in Stillwater, but li...

    Just curious why you think Tulsa is better than OKC. It's an honest question, I'm not trying to start anything. I've seen this debate several times on message boards and the Tulsa people definitely say Tulsa but I don't remember the OKC people saying they prefer Tulsa. I've never lived in Tulsa. I actually grew up in Enid but have lived in OKC/Edmond for about 30 years. I think they are very similar cities but I've always heard* that the gangs and crime in Tulsa is quite worse than OKC. Not sure what Tulsa would provide that would overcome the higher crime rate. I've probably kicked the hornets nest but I was just curious.

  • Posted on Mar 8th, 2023, 8:24 AM, , User Since 205 months ago, User Post Count: 5785

    • Mar 8th, 2023, 8:24 AM
    • 205 months
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    If you’re a fly fisherman Tulsa puts you much closer to all the beautiful trout fisheries in the Ozarks plus the Lower Illinois is right in your back yard. I currently live in Edmond and lived in OKC before that and love it here but always thought Tulsa would be fun and put me near a lot of great water to fish. That’s a very narrow focus but you asked an open question and that’s one advantage Tulsa has.

  • Posted on Mar 8th, 2023, 8:32 AM, , User Since 200 months ago, User Post Count: 8190

    • Mar 8th, 2023, 8:32 AM
    • 200 months
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    ApesTogetherStong said... (original post) I'm not sure I'd call Stillwater Centrist. The second term mayor is demonstrably liberal and I believe every member of the city ...

    A very unbalanced reply due to to your politics. This country is a hugely diverse country. There are just as many people who hold political views that are completely the opposite of yours and that is a good thing for the country as a whole. It would be a great thing if every community, including Stillwater, is composed of people from all sorts of backgrounds and with all sorts of cultural differences and with all sorts of differing views on politics as well as on economic policies. IMO Stillwater comes as close as any community in Oklahoma to being ideal as far as widely varying views. But for some reason there always seems to be a love-hate attitude on the part of people with your political views towards communities that have large universities - and you and they will do what you have done in this thread even when the university is a university you claim to support.

  • Posted on Mar 8th, 2023, 9:07 AM, , User Since 183 months ago, User Post Count: 6417

    • Mar 8th, 2023, 9:07 AM
    • 183 months
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    PokeFlyfisher said... (original post) If you’re a fly fisherman Tulsa puts you much closer to all the beautiful trout fisheries in the Ozarks plus the Lower Illinois is right in y...

    Not just fly fishing, but all kinds of fishing/water activities Tulsa is head and shoulders ahead of OKC. You're close to way more and better water on all sides.

  • Posted on Mar 8th, 2023, 9:13 AM, , User Since 209 months ago, User Post Count: 2500

    • Mar 8th, 2023, 9:13 AM
    • 209 months
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    Ape didn’t attack or demean anyone in his civil post. Predictably, you were Johnny on the Spot to attack him as you do practically anyone who has a viewpoint different than your own. Congrats.

  • Posted on Mar 8th, 2023, 9:40 AM, , User Since 200 months ago, User Post Count: 8190

    • Mar 8th, 2023, 9:40 AM
    • 200 months
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    Johannes53 said... (original post) Ape didn’t attack or demean anyone in his civil post. Predictably, you were Johnny on the Spot to attack him as you do practically anyone who ha...

    Come on, man. He was exhibiting his politics, plain and simple. Sperling's has for years compared cost of living between cities. He started talking about property taxes after basically telling us that none of us who were wearing masks when the pandemic began would want to be within 100 feet of him. Lockdowns, property taxes, implying that Stillwater is a blue city, etc.

    Stillwater's cost of living compared to Norman is that Norman is 2.1% higher. OKC is 5.2% higher. Tulsa is about the same as Stillwater. Bartlesville is 5% cheaper to live in than Stillwater. Houston has been mentioned in this thread. The cost of living in Houston is 15.5% higher than Stillwater. Overall, Stillwater has all kinds of ideal attributes that now includes top tier cultural activities. It is guys like you and him who continually will say things like he said that fall right in line with your usage of words like woke that line up with your politics. And both you and he will do it as a way to provoke. You know it will be responded to because that was his intent just like it often is your intent. Come on, man.

    This post was edited by MrMcC 1 year ago

  • Posted on Mar 8th, 2023, 9:56 AM, , User Since 233 months ago, User Post Count: 18620

    • Mar 8th, 2023, 9:56 AM
    • 233 months
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    If you're a fan of banks, chicken restaurants, weed shops and Mexican restaurants that all taste the same... you're gonna love living in Stillwater!

    Seriously though, it is a fine place to live. Food scene is getting better and better. Having the McKnight Center does bring in some acts most towns this size would never get. Plus being about an hour away from both Tulsa and OKC gives you access to everything there as well.

    You'll learn quickly that summer time Stillwater is the best Stillwater though.

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