Houston Christian High School Viata 2024 Yearbook - Flip eBook Pages 101-150 (2024)

101 A LOOK INTO OUR LIVES Creativity around Houston Christan is soaring as our students complete art projects, finish posters for the pep-rallies, and dress out for spirit days! “Art is my favorite class. It helps me to take a break from academics and focus on what I like.” -Blake Dickson “Making posters for the Pep Rallies keeps us loud and helps us win.” -Cooper Clarke “Dressing up for Homecoming Week makes school so fun.” -Kaitlin Jennings "I like my math class because it makes me feel electric and it is so much fun." - Robby Jones SURVEY SAYS... favorite B3? 15% said Art is their favorite class said English is their favorite class 16%said Leadership is their favorite class said ILT is their favorite class 48% 21%said Dance is their favorite class 8% Laflamme's ladies After turning in their essays, Sophom*ores Gracie Cervantes and Addie Medlock have a weight lifted from their shoulders. Photo by Carson Lehane drawing away! In Advanced Art, Donna Xue creates an incredible piece. Advanced Art offers many more mediums than Art 1, and Donna takes advantage of that. Donna said, “Art is the most relaxing period because I can just listen to music and focus on my art.” Photo by Elena Grillo thumbs up! Before packing up, the Seniors in Mr. Alidor's B3 class give a thumbs up for finishing their work in AP Lang. Mr. Alidor makes his classroom a fun environment to work in. Cole Broussard, said, “I love this class because Mr. Alidor is the best.” Photo by Riley Warnica Helping hands During B3, Pre-Cal teacher Mr. Fuentes helps Hailey Nuno. Mr Fuentes is always offering a helping hand for his students. Mr. Fuentes said, “My students are always coming for help and I am always willing to give it.” Photo by Claire Kimzey

ACADEMICS-page Title B4 What's going on in b4 English- FIVE Science- SIX Language- FOUR Math - FIVE Fine Arts- FIVE History - ONE Bible - THREE Electives - TWO Featuring: class favs Piper Herauf “My favorite thing in Ms. Munford's class is the picture of Bart (Alexander Bartholomew) on the clock. It's so funny and I giggle every time I look at the time.” LEADERSHIP During Ms Honeck's leadership, the class goes into the Daffin Lecture Hall. This gives the students an opportunity to see presentations on big screens and see a great example on how to present. Josh Jou said, “The class is so fun and we love Mrs Honeck.” Photo by Carson Lehane Fine Arts The Fine Arts classes at HC are well known for good reason. The students in classes such as piano and dance are able to learn tempo and rhythm in a fun enviornment. Photos by Carson Lehane Seth Hawkins “In Mr. Bredeweg's room, my favorite thing is Ben Adams' senior poster. It is so funny to see it everyday in class.” Aubrey Pagano “My favorite thing in my Latin class is the cut out of a roman guy because he is so handsome. It makes me smile evey time I walk into class.”

103 B4 NOT AFTER B4 is a class loved by all. It is either the first or last class of the day, so students are normally pretty excited in their classes--or pretty sleepy! From Anatomy to Old Testament everyone has a great time and the teachers are so kind. You can see in the picture to the left Tully Florey working hard in his Pre-calc class. Their class spent about a week working on a graphing project. Tully said "Mr Fuentes gives us great assignments in this class and I love being able to be challenged in math as well as my other classes." All of the students can agree that HC has a great balance of being difficult while still allowing the students to have a great time and socialize well. Photos by Firstname Lastname Is it a B reg or B flip? It really makes a difference LUNAR NEW YEAR TRADITIONS For this Lunar New Year, Mrs Chang's class walks around and passed out red envelopes. This is a tradition for Lunar New Year to signify good luck. ILT FUN During IlT, Payton Givens and Maddison Clapp do their homework and catch up. They can also be seen streching their legs around campus. Payton said, “ILT is so great to have because I can get all of my homework done and days I don't have any I get to talk with friends.” Photo by Carson Lehane LEARNING GOD'S WORD While in Bible class, Juicy Ju, Donna Xue, and Luke Davenport discuss their books. In this class they are creating a book about why God allows sin and bad things to happen even though he is a good God. Juicy said, “Creating the book is so interesting and sparks fun conversations.” Photo by Carson Lehane

ACADEMICS-PCR I've learned leadership, organization, and communication. One study skill I've learned is how to take good notes in my classes. I've learned how to manage my time effectively, and also a new way to use my planner that works for me. It's helped me with staying organized. It's helped me the most by keeping me on track and having minimum late work. It's helped me to get reminded to stay on task in class. My favorite thing about PCR is Dr. Arnold. My favorite thing about PCR is Coach Bean. My favorite thing about PCR is the ideas that are passed around by everyone during group discussions. What study skills have you learned in PCR? How has PCR helped you the most? What is your favorite thing about PCR? Gabreil Rodriguez-Landrau Brandon Taher Jax LeBrun OPPPpOsoaesob&AQ Test Center In front of the PCR testing center, PCR Test Center Manager, Coach Bean and Junior Collier Houston are preparing for an upcoming test. As part of PCR, students are allowed usaged of the Test Center for quieter testing which maximizes focus and performance. The Test Center is where the learning strategies taught in PCR are put into action. Photo by Dr. Arnold

105 HOW PCR HELPS A greater understanding of “PCR helps me stay on top of my schoolwork, and I've learned a lot of new study skills in this class." “This quote is a perfect representation of what we stand for in PCR and we encourage our students to apply this quote to themselves. It states, 'Freedom is not the absence of limitations and constraints but it is finding the right ones, those that fit our nature and liberate us,' by Tim Keller." Jacob Rexroad Dr. Arnold excelling students PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE PCR instructors, Dr. Arnold and Miss Hogue, play a crucial role in guiding students through showcasing the school calendar. As an integral part of the PCR program, students are not merely educated, but are also equipped with essential skills for looking and planning ahead to maximize their future success. The emphasis on proactive planning ensures that PCR students consistently stay on top of their schedules. Every PCR student is encouraged to maintain personal planners, fostering a habit that contributes to their organizational skills, time management, and overall academic excellence. This commitment to strategic planning and meticulous scheduling sets the foundation for a successful academic journey and prepares PCR students for future achievements. In the dynamic PCR classroom, the transformative impact of the program is vividly demonstrated by Freshman Jacob Rexroad as he actively applies PCR teachings while diligently completing assignments. Within the PCR curriculum, students like Jacob not only gain subject-specific knowledge but are also equipped with valuable study strategies and skills tailored to prepare them for the challenges of college. The emphasis on fostering effective study habits ensures that students not only succeed academically in their current coursework but also develop the foundational skills necessary for continued success in higher education. The PCR program's commitment to comprehensive education goes beyond traditional classroom learning, instilling a sense of academic discipline and self-reliance in students like Jacob, paving the way for a successful and well-prepared future in their educational journey. Quality Time Two students, Clay Ressling and Collier Houston, sit together in the PCR Foyer. This seating area is a very common place for students to gather at. Collier and Clay get a lot of work completed together. Photo by Elena Grillo Outside of PCR Popping in for a visit, Senior PCR Student athelete JJ Pernoud stops by PCR to pick up his tennis equipment. Outside of the classroom, PCR students enjoy a wide range of activities such as Fine Arts, athletics, and countless other extracurricular activities to showcase their various talents outside of the classroom. Photo by Dr. Arnold During class, PCR instructor Miss. Hogue assists students Leah Garcia and Maya Garibay with their assignments. One of the benefits of PCR is that students can ask for assistance from their instructors when needed. As part of PCR, students are encouraged to ask questions.

ACADEMICS-page Title ACADEMICS-National Honor Society Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.” Romans 12:10 EahonereThenNHFrtouna corleaThthextoSPRING SPIRIT Halloween Event NEW MEMBERS Sophom*ore Pressley Shumate and Clark McCormick enjoy their induction ceremony. Both girls were so excited to be inducted after all their hard work over the year. NHS SERVING OTHERS In Charge Leading NHS, the officers and advisors put together the induction ceremony for the new members. Over the year, the officers and advisors put together events and meeting for the NHS chapter. 2023-2024 SHIRT The NHS shirt for the year was designed by senior Donna Xue. Over the summer, NHS had a challenge to design the shirt for the year. MUMMY FUN At the Spring Spirit Halloween event the students wrap each other in toilet paper to become mummies. NHS volunteers with Spring Spirit multiple times throughout the year. An NHS member said, "The Halloween event was so fun, and we can't wait for next year!"

107 New Inductees Sophom*ores Jill Drury, Ashlyn Kling, Connally Kuykenall, and Bekah Gerard were inducted into NHS after the extensive application process. Each year, the sophom*ores have the opportunity to become members of the National Honor Society. New inductees Kaylin Caesar, Eloise duVigneaud, Kaitlyn Jennings and Sofie Jones pose for a photo before the ceremony. If a junior doesn't make NHS during their sophom*ore year, they have another opportunity to join junior year. Excited about being inducted, sophom*ores Adelyn Winters, Addy Medlock, Carson Lehane and Major Tarwater commemorate the moment. These students worked really hard to become members of NHS. 1. Juniors are inducted into NHS during a special event. 2. 2023-2024 Officers 3. NHS officers light the candles at the Induction Ceremony. 1 2 3 Donna Xue “My job focuses on communicating with people and I thought I’d be doing a lot of busy work, but I’ve actually gotten to know a lot of people through it and had lots of fun.” Sydnor Duffy “I love being President of NHS. It is so fun! I love organizing new activities for the chapter.” Samantha Muro “I’m the vice president of administration, so I make all the sheets for every service project.” Ben Mize “As the VP of Records for our NHS chapter, I get to record all the service of our members, not only so the leadership has a record, but also so that each member can keep track of their progress & service. I love getting to do this for our chapter since I can use my skills of organization and computer science to do a job that every member of the chapter gets to benefit very directly from." Karli Kapche “NHS has been such a valuable outlet for me to serve my community and practice leadership as an officer. As VP of Public Relations I effectively communicate and inform HC about service events and reminders.” NHS Officers Each year, the National Honor Society holds officer elections to appoint new leaders who oversee various responsibilities throughout the year. These officers work tirelessly to ensure the success and impact of NHS within the school community. From organizing service projects to managing finances and fostering unity among members, they play a crucial role in upholding the organization's values of scholarship, leadership, character, and service. Their dedication and initiative inspire their peers, leaving a lasting legacy of excellence for future NHS members to uphold. Service above self

ACADEMICS-page Title ACADEMICS-DSP & Leadership 1. Andrew Knobbe prepares for his DSP Presentation. Photo by Patricia Droz 2. Enjoying lunch at Chick-fil-a, DSP teachers and field trip volunteers snap a photo Photo by Patricia Droz 3. Visiting Rice University, DSP Sopomores took a tour of the campus Photo by Patricia Droz 4. DSP Students actively listen to a classmate's presentation Photo by Hannah Pulin 5. Hard at work, students focus on research for their upcoming projects Photo by Patricia Droz 5 4 2 3 Preparing to present DSP Scholars learn to effectively present their research! DSP 2024 Graduates “DSP helped me to understand how to do professional research in a professional setting and how to solve an issue. We have to write a lot.” “I like the community because its very tight knit and the trips help you to get closer to one another.” "It’s helped me so much with gaining confidence for my presentation skills. DSP is hard work but it is extremely rewarding." "DSP has taught me problem solving skills and time management." "Senior year has been my favorite year of DSP so far because I’ve got to focus pretty much exclusively on things I care about." Jayden Chin Jordan Blyden Emily Cezaux Noah Takahada Evan Marie Donohue James Hintz Andrew Knobbe Ron Reis M

109 1 Mia Chieng Jordan Blyden, Colin Brogdon, Sydnor Duffy, Evan Donohue, Noah Takahada Olivia Donohue Lauren Dickerson, Gracie Cervantes, Bekah Gerard DISTINGUISHED SCHOLARS OF HC From research to presentations, these students learn to master it all Second year smiles Snapping a photo, DSP Sophom*ore Class of 2026 join together for a picture. During their second year, expectations for students rise with their newfound experience. Owen Hawthorne said, “DSP has been an amazing journey.” Photo by Patricia Droz The Grind Hard at work, Andrew Knobbe focuses on his laptop. DSP prides itself on being a rigorous and invaluable program that aids students in growing academically. Max McCarty said, “DSP is the most formative thing I’ve done in high school.” Photo by Patricia Droz

ACADEMICS-Electives Electives--why? “I get to be behind the scenes and watch the show be created.” Abigail Rexroad “I get to interact with people in different grades .” Rachel Anderson “I get to be creative in different ways. ” Sarah Cromeens “Because we learn something new everyday.” Chelsea Martin “I like that I’m able to go to art and not have to worry about my other classes, or anything else that stresses me out. Abby Dickerson “I like that we get to use photo shop and take pictures outside of the actual class.” Addie Rollins “I think people should take Psychology because it can help you in any field you choose to pursue.” Mrs. Pam Mcclendon “I think people should take orchestra because it is a great way to start your day.” Mr. Natty Benyamine “I recommend Latin to any student looking for a better understanding of English grammar and vocabulary. It can also be helpful to anyone considering a future career in medicine, law, or science!” Dr. Brooke McLane “I firmly believe that leadership is love and service to others. No one embodies these qualities more than Jesus Christ and I love sharing Jesus with whoever will listen. Mr. Jeff Faircloth claacttheactElective Teachers: PSYCHOLOGY ORCHESTRA LATIN LEADERSHIP CHOOSE? What will you INTRO-DANCE B3 Intro to Dance is looking very jazzy while learing a new dance. Jazz is one of the many types of dance that the students learn. Olivia Oberoi said,“One thing I like about dance is the community.” Photo by Bella McKissack LATIN 1 Liza Loginova and Katie Chaplan do their assignment. Latin 1 uses skittles to learn the endings. Liza said,"I chose Latin because I thought it be fun to learn"Photo by Brooke McLane “I think people should take Psychology because it can help you “I think people PSYCHOLOGY

111 to de SPEAKING PSYCHOLOGICALLY During Mrs.Pmac's Psychology class, the students partake in different activities to demonstrate and show the psychology behind what they are actually doing. Josh Tilotta, Dylan Maillet, Matthew Varjas, Josh Cestero, William Jackson Dove Ajmani, Harper Lee Chris Adlam, Nate Braquet, Helena Arnold Chris Adlam, Ted Roark MANDARIN The Mandarin 3 class gathers outside of Mrs.Grace Chang's door and holds up their red envelopes for Chinese New Year. Anna Gean said, “I like that we do a bunch of activities.” Photo by Mrs. Chang PIANO Joel Ortiz practices piano during class in the piano lab. He said, “I like the amount of time you get to practice songs.” Photo by Bella McKissack SEVEN PEEPS Brynn Sitta takes a picture with her rodeo art. She said,“It was really exciting when I found out that I had placed in the competition.” Photo by Carson Lehane Art 1 Art 1 students trace their sketch into their final drawing during B3. Josiah McGowen said,“Art is fun because we learn lots of techniques to be artistic and my class is really fun.” Photo by Bella McKissack

Creative • Musical • Drama arts Award Winning 100% Match • 23-24 • New Release From band to theater to ceramics, there's a place at Houston Christian for everyone interested in art! The students work so hard every year, so take a look at the masterpieces from 2024!

ARTS-Choir 1. The Alto section sings at the Christmas concert. 2. Chloe Wilkin, Eden Droog, Taylor Williford, and Lillian LeMasters sing at the concert on the lawn. 3. HC choir performs "Skyfall" during the concert on the lawn. 4. The full choir sings at the annual Christmas Chapel. 4 3 1 2 Choir Fun! Choir Seniors "I've had the best experience in choir!" "I think we need more barber shop quartet songs!" "I love starting my morning singing with my friends." "I'm always happy to go to choir." "I love my alto family!" Max McCarty Yianni Rokas Nate Braquet Joey Delongchamps Karli Kapche Choir Theme Choir Social Homecoming Football Game H

115 Hopdoddy Social! Ice Cream Day! Kylie Boyle, Blaire McLarry, and Mikayla Villafuerte Toss the Balloon Game VOICES UNITED VOICES UNITED Making beautiful music together CHRISTMAS CONCERT Singing "The Grinch Melody" HC choir performs at their Christmas concert. The annual Christmas concert is choir's most popular performance. An audience member said, "I love coming to this concert every year!" VETERANS DAY The HC choir performs "The Star- Spangled Banner"and "The Armed Forces Melody" at the Veterans day chapel. Each year the school hosts a chapel honoring the Veterans. Hannah Fisher said,"Singing Armed Forces is so fun!"

ARTS-Band & Drumline Quotes From the Musicians “I like being in band because a lot of my friends are in it and I get to hype up all of the students during the pep rallies.” Jayden Chin “Saxophone is kind of hard, but I like playing it because it's fun.” Cameron Mulanax “Being in the drumline is fun because I get to perform at all of the pep rallies, which is my favorite.” Brandon Taher “The football games are my favorite because all of the students get super energetic whenever we play for them.” Linus Holt “I think it's cool whenever I have to walk out before the football players while playing our music.” Josiah Wu “My favorite place to play is during pep rallies, because it's in the air conditioning and I get to be in to front to watch the events.” Nate Sun “Playing the baritone is fun because it's so deep and loud.” Micah Gordon “The trombone is pretty fun to play, it was hard to learn, but it was worth it.” Austin Beaver “I love being a part of the band with my students, it's so fun and the energy is always good.” Dr. Linhart “I really like playing the saxophone because it is a good outlet.” Calvin Griffiths HpeTagathplasbralsttopeStudents Favorite Instruments BARITONE TROMBONE TUBA SAXOPHONE Right before the band started their tailgate performance, a fan of the band came up to talk to them and ask some questions. The band always likes whenever there are other people to talk to who are passionate about instruments. This interaction left a smile on the band members' faces as well as the fan who was talking with them. Fan Attention KEEPING US ALL ON THE BEAT Timing is everything when you play an instrument. Preparing for the big game At the homecoming tailgate, Junior Calvin Griffiths, plays his saxophone before for all the people at the tailgate to hear. Many students and parents stopped to listen to the music while they ate their food. Calvin said, “It was pretty cool to play for all the people.” Photo by Katie Gasset The real show Lining up to play, all the students are in order and ready for their performance. The band and drumline practiced for this event many times to prepare for that performance. Noah Takahata said, “All of the practice it took paid off.” Photo by Katie Gassett

117 s t's I h BAND AT HOMECOMING Before the football game started, our band performed a set of songs to the Homecoming Tailgate. Parents and students alike all gathered around to listen to them play. The theater director, Dr. Linhart, also joined in to play his tuba. Some of the students dressed up as well, going with the neon theme. The band brought some much-needed energy to hype up all the students and parents before the game started. To finish it off, the band marched together to the stands after they were done performing. Virginia Sanders, Boston Vaughan Austin Beaver, Samuel Young, Collier Houston Sam Adams Walker Schwing, Dr. Linhart, Micah Gordon me vin or ny to vin he et Drumline Support During our home football games, the drumline supports the team from the stands. The band students love cheering on the football team, and they especially love playing when they walk out with the team. Noah Takahata said, "Playing the drums during football games is very fun."Photo by Katie Gassett PLAYING AWAY At the tailgate performance, Freshman Liam Harper plays his music on the saxophone. Liam Harper, as well as many students, play wind instruments for our band. Liam said, “The saxophone is pretty fun to play becuase I like pressing all the buttons.” Photo by Katie Gassett The grand entrance Leading the procession, Mr. Brown is walking out with the band and drumline to perform at the homecoming tailgate. This was an electric moment filled with excitement and anticipation for the upcoming performance. Mr. Brown said, “I always love walking out before our tailgate performance becuase of the high energy everyone has.” Photo by Katie Gassett Walking on beat While playing their drums, Maya Garibay and Nate Sun walk out to the tailgate to perform. Many students had to walk in the heat with their instruments, which shows their true dedication to their job. Maya said, “It's hard to walk with the drums, but it's fun playing while I walk.” Photo by Katie Gassett

ARTS-Orchestra LEADING by EXAMPLE Mr. Nady Benyamine is the Orchestra's beloved conductor and teacher, wielding his baton to keep the Orchestra in time. Caitlin Smith Bella Lam Nady Benyamine Sofia Conshafter Noah Chang PRE CONCERT TRADITION Prior to each concert, Mr. Benyamine rounds his students to pose for a selfie. This tradition allow students to remember that the Orchestra community is strong. Mr. Benyamine said, “It started a few years ago as a way to capture a memory before we perform.” Photo by Nady Benyamine PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT Marking her music, Sophom*ore Sofia Conshafter writes in cues. A pencil is a tool for musicians, allowing them to create reminders. Sofia Conshafter said, “I always mark my music so I can remember all the changes we make during class.” Photo by Caitlin Smith CLASS IN SESSION Teaching by example, Mr. Benyamine helps by clarifying a melody before asking students to repeat it back. Caitlin Smith said, “Mr. Benyamine has taught me so much over these last four years.” Photo by Caitlin Smith FAN FAVORITE Showing love for her favorite piece, Senior Caitlin Smith places a heart around the song, "O Holy Night." The HC Christmas concert is not one to miss. Bella Lam said, “Caitlin adores that piece. She plays it all the time.”

119 )E46G<68+89<A8 )8E9BE@ VIOLA GALS Smiling for the picture, Bella Lam and Sophia Kuo enjoy Orchestra. These two belong to the viola section, one of six of the vital parts to Orchestra.The cellos, violas, violins, basses, harps, and pianos come together to create the vibrant sounds of music. While being one of the unsung heroes of Orchestra, the viola is a slightly larger and deeper alternative to the violin that creates warm tones to pair with the melody. The 2023-2024 Viola Section consists of Section Leader and Vice President Sophia Kuo, President Caitlin Smith, and fan favorite, Bella Lam. Nothing would be possible without the instruments themselves. Carved out of wood, each instrument characteristic is built to amplify the radiant sounds of orchestral music. The violin, viola, and cello each host four different strings that produce different pitches and hold endless combinations of notes. The vibrations of the strings once connected to the bow, a piece of wood with horse hairs attached, are electric. Practicing for the upcoming concert, violin players Ali Brueckner and Joey DeLongchamps play the melody. The violin, arguably the most well known classical instrument, often receives the melody of a piece, making songs recognizable. Orchestra is home to musicians who are new and old, as Ali has played for over five years, compared to Joey's year of experience. Orchestra is grateful to have both players joining them this year. THE INSTRUMENT VIOLIN SOLO FA LA LA LA LA Playing for the Performing Arts Christmas chapel, HC Orchestra wears their finest BEST Concert attire. The violins, violas, cellos, harp, and piano all played as one to create beautiful Christmas harmonies. This annual event is held in the chapel, forging the perfect atmosphere for the Christmas spirit to come alive. This holiday performance is not one to miss, as the chapel quickly filled with hundreds of parents, teachers, and students. 1. Caitlin Smith, Bella Lam 2. Alyse Morrow, Donna Xue 3. Noah Chang, Kolby Steffen 1 2 3 DUO “Caitlin is cool, I guess.” Bella Lam, Sophom*ore “I love Bella. She's such a joy to be around at 7am. Her talent will take her places. I'm gonna miss her.” Caitlin Smith, Senior PLAYING THE MELODY

ARTS-ITS & Theater Tech 1. Savannah Winters 2. Jackson Herauf 3. Ashley Young 4. Layla Borghese 5. Matthew Varjas 6. Chloe Wilkin For this year's play, Charlie Brown took front stage! Bringing back plenty of nostalgia, the showcase was a hit filled with laughter and joyous fun. Charlie Brown, played by Jackson Herauf, was brought to life as the audience experienced the cartoon in real time. The set consisted of a playground to authenticate the feel of childhood fun. To kick off the year right, HC International Thespian Society held a welcome back to school party at a student's house. The party consisted of fun activities, old friends, and a pool to cool off from the Houston summer heat. After a long summer break, students were eager to dive back into the world of all things theatre. For Les Mis, an intricate set was necessary to make the audience feel as if they were transported back to the French Revolution. Theatre Tech was hard at work to accomplish an authentic atmosphere for both the actors and the audience to enjoy. Similar to the previous set from Newsies, this year the set was multi-leveled to allow for fun choreography. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Hard at Work Practicing the blocking for the Spring Musical, Jackson Herauf holds tin mugs eager to perform the choreography necessary for the scene. Avery Elkins and Kian Ritchie get to work practicing their lift in Les Mis. These students play as the mischevious con artists during the French Revolution. Nothing has the power to influence the feel of a show more than the clothes. These costumes help the actors to get into character and create an authentic atmosphere. StwCUaFastwnsTHEATRE TECH With so much work to do, Drama is sure to start ... Behind the curtain, madness ensues. Between managing props, following actors with the spot light, mixing the sound, and directing the stage, the people behind the scenes have their work cut out for them while the actors entertain the audience. These unseen heroes enjoy seeing their dedication to the program pay off when the show flows smoothly.

121 SENIORS IN TECH AND I.T.S. Enjoying their final year at HC, these Seniors chose to devote their time and efforts to various aspects of theatre-including the International Thespian Society. “I run spotlight and highlight the actors onstage. It’s fun to watch the show come together and watch everyone's hard work pay off.” - Jordan Blyden I am the lead graphics designer. You have to be a psycho to enjoy it. It’s very stressful but I find it really fun.” - Kyle Helberg “I'm so privileged to get to perform with an amazing cast. Everyone is so dedicated.” - Avery Elkins Students get the honor to work at Houston Christian University for a week during February, allowing for stage design to get creative with all of their newfound space. GET TO KNOW THE FACTS 24 Tommy Tune nominations for Charlie Brown HC's troup number for the International Thespian Society 2intricate showcases held by HC theatre per year ENDLESS Hours of hard work and dedication to theatre 4 Showings of Les Mis 6706 LES MIS SET FUN Smiling in front of their work, students enjoy the set of their creation. After working on each little detail, students are excited that the set is finally finished. Jayden Chin said, “Theatre tech is useful because it allows for students to use power tools.” Photo by Jackson Herauf Spring spirit In order to coach underprivileged kids, some member of International Thespian Society met over this summer to teach them how to deliver monologues. Jackson Heauf said, "It was awesome seeing these kids learn and grow." Photo by Jackson Herauf LES MIS LOVE Holding up a newly painted pair of shoes, Mr. Linhart and the cast of Le Mis smile for the picture. Students painted these shoes specially for their leader. Avery Elkins said, “The ITS guys, we gifted it for all his hardwork.” Photo by Jackson Herauf bromance on set Working together, Mr. Linhart and Mr. Brown help to lead the show to success. Mr. Brown focuses on the music and Mr. Linhart coordinates the actors. Avery Elkins, “They're good leaders, Mr. Brown is really funny, he makes me chuckle.” Photo by Bobby Linhart

ARTS-Fall Musical Action! The Fall Musical- The introductin to Charlie Brown Love Letters - A Valentines Day surprise Beethoven Day - A heart felt song about the best composer to exist. Pratice Makes PerfectThe effort put in behind the scenes. School Days - Singing always helped school go by faster. Featuring: The Main Cast Jackson Herauf “I loved getting to work with an amazing cast and playing a little kid. The dancing and singing in the play were so upbeat and energetic.” LOVE LETTERS On Valentines Day in the play, The Little Red Headed Girl played by Presley Shumate hands a letter to Charlie Brown, played by Jackson Herauf. Having not thought he would recieve a card, Charlie Brown accepted it happily. "I think it was cool that Charlie Brown recieved a card," said Cooper Clarke, "He hadn't gotten one before." Photo by HCTheaterWorks Beethoven Day Sitting behind the piano, Schroeder, played by Nate Braquet, sang about his love for the famous composer Beethoven. Then, sprawled atop the piano, Lucy, played by Layla Borghese, watched enamoredly as Schroeder preached about the creation of Beethoven Day. "The scene was very energetic , I really liked all the jumping and dancing around," Cole Montgomery said. Photos by HCTheaterWorks Nicole Hiemstra ”I loved this play because I got to spend a lot of time with my friends. I was able to grow closer to them, and learn more about them." Layla Borghese “A part of me is sad about this play. It'll be my last one because I am a senior, and I love getting the chance to act with my friends.”

123 GOOD GRIEF This year's fall musical was none other than You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown, which was inspired by the 1950's cartoon and comic strip Charlie Brown. The play contained many fanfavorite scenes, along with a few original scenes and songs. The cast consisted of many familiar characters from the old cartoons such as Charlie Brown himself, Linus, Sally, Lucy, Snoopy, Woodstock, and Schroeder. The whole production of the play took about four months, and physically and mentally challenged many students and pushed them to their limits. However, it was all worth it, because there was a full house of opening night, and many of the other showings sold out as well. Photos by Firstname Lastname "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" THAT'S A WRAP After nearly four months of hard work, the crew was finally read for the big performance in November. Having spent nearly every day together, it was bittersweet for their time together to come to an and. "Everyone worked really hard and it was cool to see it all come together," said Andrew Knobbe. Photo by HCTheaterWorks SCHOOL DAYS There's nothing to spice up a school day like singing and dancing in the hallways and classrooms. That is exactly what the cast did to drown out the droning voice of their teacher and principal. Miriam Read said "The little dances and songs we did were probably my favorite parts of when whole play." Photo by HCTheaterWorks PRATICE MAKES PERFECT Working hard in practice, the student dancers move their feet in time with the music. Having practiced this time and time again, they were confident in their foot placement and knew their steps by heart. “The dances were cute and you could tell that the inspiration from the original cartoons,” Avery Elkins said. Photo by HCTheaterWorks

ARTS-Winter Musical Eponine Marius Cosette On My Own Empty Chairs and Empty Tables. In My Life. The Confrontation. The Barricade Scenes. The Confrontation or the small part Gavroche sings after Stars. What's your characters name? Favorite song to perform? What's your favorite scene you're not in? Anabelle Cody Cooper Clarke Alyse Morrow oSTfoMcreLot"yP& AQ Cup dance Cheers! The ensemble members in the Master of the House number performed a cup dance. The dancers started learning this number in the summer so it would be perfect for the show. Karen Ianculovici said, “I loved the cup dance. It was so fun to perform!” Photo by Michelle Elkins I know a place where no one's lost, I know a place where no one cries Crying at all is not allowed, Not in my Castle on a cloud. ---Young Cosette

125 ONE DAY MORE! Les Miserables “Who am I?” Javert Jean Valjean Either Valjean or JAvert FANTINE Fantine has a daughter named Cosette who is taken care of by the Inkeeper and his wife. Although she earns money working at the factory, she is fired when it is discovered that she is a mother. Fantine now needs to find another source of income. She finds employment, contracts tuberculosis, and eventually passes away from the disease. Fantine is promised by Jean Valjean that he will look after Cosette. She Dreamed A Dream Outstanding Musical Outstanding Ensemble Outstanding Technical Achievement Outstanding Lead: Joey Delongchamps (Jean Valjean) Yianni Rokas (Javert) Layla Borghese (Fantine) Alyse Morrow (Eponine) Cooper Clarke (Marius) Annabell Cody (Cossette) Kian Ritchie (Mr. Tenardier) Avery Elkins (Mademe Tenardier) Outstanding Supporting: Andrew Knobbe (Enjolras) Outstanding Actor: Yianni Rokas (Javert) Cooper Clarke (Marius) Kian Ritchie (Mr. Tenardier) Avery Elkins (Mademe Tenardier) Andrew Knobbe (Enjolras) Outstanding Singer: Yianni Rokas (Javert) Cooper Clarke (Marius) Annabelle Cody (Cossette) Andrew Knobbe (Enjolras) Cole Montegomery Outstanding Dancer: Nicole Hiemstra, Cole Montegomery MASTER OF THE HOUSE Seniors Avery Elkins and Kian Ritchie played Thenardier and Madame Thenardier. Their characters ran a inn and they stole from all their customers. Avery said " Photo by Priscilla Dickson Senior Silliness This years seniors smilling for a photo on the Les Mis set. Every year at the closing show the seniors recieve a rose from Dr. Linhart congragulating them on their success with HC theatre. Max McCarty said "Les Mis was so fun! This year's group was great!" Photo by Michelle Elkins Fantine is promised by Jean Valjean that he will look after Cosette. “I swear by the stars" Outstanding Director: Dr. Bobby Linhart, Katie Pisklak ('25) Outstanding Choreography Ms. Melissa Tyler, Nicole Hiemstra ('25), Cole Montgomery ('25), Dr. Bobby Linhart Outstanding Music Direction: Dr. Bobby Linhart, Mr. Brian Brown, Mr. Brian Minson, Ms. Jeannine Rowden, Mrs. Elizabeth Shurtz, Nate Braquet ('24) Outstanding Light Design: Davis Miller ('25) Outstanding Sound Design: Justin Leighton ('25), Davis Miller ('25) Outstanding Scenic Design: Dr. Bobby Linhart, Mr. Brian Brown, Kyle Helberg ('24) Outstanding Costume Design: Ms. Michelle Elkins, Phoebe Hadaway ('24), Clark McCormick ('26) Outstanding Stage Management: Allan Currier ('24), Savanah Winters ('24), Katie Pisklak ('25) Outstanding Honorable Mentions Nate Braquet (Bishop/Grantaire) Aubrey Pagano (Young Cossette) Dekes Weber (Gavroche) TOMMY TUNE NOMINATIONS

ARTS-DOXA & Dance DOXA is so fun, and I am so glad that I have these girls in my life.” Nicole Hiemstra Ballet 8% Tap Jazz Contemporary Hip-Hop Ohais MHAvThththwsoscWhat is your favorite dance category? 12% 14% 36% 30% Finish it with a bang! Towards the end of their family time performance, DOXA girls finish with a group pose. This dance was choreographed by their President, Ava Cox. Sara Jones said, “The dance was fun and easy to learn. I love doing pieces that my friends choreograph.” Photo by Kirk Hawkins DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY Tap it out! During dance, Sophom*ore Olivia Oberoi puts tap heels on her shoes. Throughout the year, the dance classes go through many units, including tap, jazz, ballet, and many more. “I love that I don't need to buy tap shoes and I can just strap the heels on,” Olivia said. Photo by Claire Kimzey warming up Before practicing her tap routine, Sophom*ore Sophie Dickson begins warming up with basic tap moves. Mrs. Tyler leads these warm ups at the front of the class. Sophie said, “If I don't warm up, then I won't dance well.” Photo by Claire Kimzey

127 IN ACTION At the fine arts open house, Junior Kaylin Caesar and Sophom*ore Corde Espinosa do a split leap in their routine. It was perfectly in sync! "I am so thankful to be able to perform with the people I care about most," said Kaylin. During the fine arts open house, the DOXA girls performed a piece choreographed by their own President, Ava Cox. Ava is a Senior and has helped in the choreograhy of many DOXA routines. "I enjoy choreographing the dances with Mrs. Tyler," Ava said. Junior Addie Durnell performs with the rest of the DOXA girls at the fine arts open house. Before dancing, she and the girls recieve a pep talk by Mrs. Tyler. "As an upperclassman, I love being a role model for underclassman this year," Addie said. Kaylin Caesar & Corde Espinosa Ava Cox Addie Durnell 1. DOXA girls during a photoshoot. Photo by Kirk Hawkins 2. The DOXA girls smile with Mrs. Tyler for a group photo after their first performance of the school year. Photo by Dean Prince 3. DOXA preparing to perform at the International Festival Photo by Kirk Hawkins 1 2 3 Natalie Taufer "I love getting to perform with my friends. It makes me really happy." Kenny Erler "My favorite part of DOXA is performing for the school and showing off our hard work." Nicole Hiemstra "Being the Vice President is so eye-opening and am so glad to be chosen for this position." Ava Cox "Being the President of DOXA is such an honor. I love choreography and finding new things to do." Addie Durnell "I love being the Chaplain and Social Media Coordinater because it brings me closer to the freshmen and sophom*ores in DOXA." The girls of doxa On the DOXA team, the girls have many jobs. Addie Durnell is the Chaplain and Social Media Coordinator. Nicole Hiemstra is the Vice President. Ava Cox is the President. These girls all help to bring the DOXA performances to the stage. Without them, it wouldn't be the same! We are so thankful for the behind the scenes girls of DOXA. Practice makes perfect!

ARTS-2D Art & Photo 1. Super focused on their work, freshmen Aliyah McIntosh and Ella Bryant make Photo by Dreighven Penilla 2. Carefully scanning her work, senior Gabby Mikulich assures that her artwork is of best quality before submission. Photo by Anna Wolf 3. Sitting on the couch, senior Jordan Bany illustrates using charcoal. Photo by Anna Wolf 4. After finishing their work for the class, freshmen Paul Hill, Jojo McGowen, and Emilio Haro pose to commemorate their success. They enjoyed working on their stamps that allowed them to express their imaginative minds. Photo by Dreighven Penilla 4 3 1 2 ARtsy Activities AMUSING - RELAXING EXPRESSIVE - EXCITING How has art affected you? Art has helped me a lot with regulating my emotions, and giving me a place to feel safe in! I love creating, , and I love that I’m able to do so at HC! Art has affected my life by creating a stronger appreciation for the hard work and craftsmanship I see in my day to day life. A crucial part of making art is consistently improving until satisfaction, a practice that has spread to other areas of my life. Art has allowed me to think creatively with a growth mindset in these other areas. Art has positively impacted my life because allows me to express my love and appreciation for topics special to me, like music, animals, and even video games! Making art has always been sort of a therapeutic experience for me. The freedom you get when drawing or painting is very relaxing. Abby Dickerson Brynn Sitta Lillian Lemasters Maddie Carmichael Drew Alston Vaughn Skurner Kyle Helberg James Harper, Josh Birdsong C

129 Cat Sanders Aliyah McIntosh Karli Kapche Alessio Santini 2D ART: BEYOND THE FRAME The artist's canvas only represents a portion of who the artist is. TIPS AND TRICKS Giving suggestions to improve, Ms. Stuart helps out freshmen Josiah McGowen and Ella Bryant She told them how to detail their carvings to get the best product. "It's fun helping the students improve and explore the art world,” Ms. Stuart said. Photo by Dreighven Penilla THE VITALITY OF IDENTITY Looking at a reference photo of herself, senior Karli Kapche illustrates her self-portrait. The mixture of colors she used allowed her to capture various emotions in her illustration. "Staying true to yourself can lead you to your success," she said. Photo by Anna Wolf

ARTS-3D Art Why do you love Ceramics? “I like having a break from school and getting to be creative.” Connor Schell “I like that we all get to work together and give eachother advice on their pieces.” Lane Leighton “I like that we can be creative and challege eachother in different ways.” Gracie Cervantes “I like Ceramics because I get to forget about school and have fun with my friends..” Abby Madden “I like how we each get to make our own versions of the same pieces.” Claire Leighton 32% 13% 9% 46% “I liked this project because I liked learning how to make animals instead of pots.” Claire Leighton “I liked making the paper mache animal because it was interesting to see the different steps.” Ashlyn Kling “My favorite project was the darted bowl because I liked the construction of it.” Dalton Primrose “I enjoyed making the tripod bowl most because I liked painting a bigger surface.” Connor Schell cetoCeanprBoopleSurvey Says: Favorite project? RATTLE ANIMAL ANIMAL SCULPTURE DARTED BOWL TRIPOD BOWL When making pots, one of the most important things is the glaze. There are not many colors for this, so mixing them together can help create new shades. These shades can be used to create dimension, making the glazed pot look more professional. Colorful Mixes INTO THE 3RD DIMENSION Behind the Scenes SHARK ATTACK! One of the most popular projects in ceramics is the animal rattle. There are little clay pieces inside, making the animal like a rattle toy. Lucca Incerpi said, “I loved making little animals. I can't wait to see it after the kiln.” Photo by Claire Kimzey Finished yet? In Ceramics, Mrs. Reese's class works on darted bowls. These bowls can be designed in many ways. Sophom*ore Sabina Houston said, "I loved this project because it taught me how to make even another kind of bowl. Photo by Claire Kimzey

131 ALL THE PROJECTS During Ceramics, students are given certain projects with creative liberty to do it however they want. Advanced Ceramics, however, is given a project, and the students can interpret this project in whatever way they would like. Both of these classes offer many project opportunities and are a good way to learn how to utilize your creativity. Kennedy Garza Lane Leighton Sabina Houston Claire Kimzey PRETTY PROJECTS Using inspiration from online, Gracie Cervantes uses the 'slip trail' technique to make dots along the rim of her bowl. Many students use this technique to make fine lines or dots. She said, “This is my favorite technique so far.” Photo by Claire Kimzey UNDERWATER ART On her project, Abby Madden paints a ocean scene on her bowl. She uses glaze and slip trail to make it. Abby said, “I love this class because I get to use my creative side.” Photo by Claire Kimzey flowery fun On her tripod bowl, Sophom*ore Sabina Houston paints a flowery scene using colorful glazes. The tripod bowl is a bowl with three legs and a circular rim. Sabina said, “I have been working so hard on this piece. It's my best piece so far.” Photo by Claire Kimzey helping hands During ceramics, Junior Claire Leighton helps a friend make their bowl. Many students offer helping hands when needed. Claire said, “I help my friends when they need it because they will pay back the favor.” Photo by Claire Kimzey

ARTS-Video Tech THE GIRLS of VIDEO TECH Welcome to VidTech! These ladies are the ones who make sure each day gets a good and entertaining morning announcement! Maddie Pickett Sara Price MC Been Hailey Stagner WORKING HARD Feeling refreshed, senior Juicy Ju proceeds to do his task for the morning announcements. He edited the morning announcements with ease. "I really enjoy informing the school in an amusing way," he said. Photo by Dreighven Penilla BEHIND THE CAMERA As the cameras focus, senior Kyle Helberg operates behind the monitors. He made sure the footage gets over to the editors. He said, "It took me about a quarter to get used to this, but two years later I'm doing pretty good." Photo by Dreighven Penilla Ready, set, action! Seated in the studio, MC Been, Noah Kuhle, and Juicy Ju record the announcements. They enjoyed being on camera for the day. "Getting along is really important," Noah said. Photo by Dreighven Penilla FRIENDS AND WORKERS During their Vidtech meetings, juniors Maddie Pickett, Hailey Stagner, Sara Price, and MC Been work with each other. They all decided to join Vidtech this year and have made precious memories. "It's been really fun spending my mornings in Vidtech with my friends," Maddie said Photo by Dreighven Penilla

133 Many things happen behind the scenes JUST FOR LAUGHS! Recording the morning announcements, senior Ben Mize and junior Noah Kuhle share laughs as they tell the joke of the day. Recording videos in the studio isn't always that serious. The studio walls have witnessed the laughter and giggles of Vidtech members as they have fun interacting with the filming equipment and each other. If not for Mrs. McCurdy having multiple monitors in her classroom, seniors Warren Anderson, Juicy Ju, Ben Mize, and Kyle Helberg would not be able to have an incredible dance break in the morning. They danced to multiple songs such as "September" by Earth, Wind & Fire, "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley, and "Give Me Everything" by Pitbull. Smiling happily together, the members of VidTech pose for a quick photo. The VidTech crew isn't just a bunch of students working together to produce videos, but a family of people with the same passions. Their ability to easily collaborate with one another only fortified their relationships. Great memories and friendships have been made within the studio walls, and the VidTech team couldn't be more grateful for that. JUST DANCE! JUST FAMILY! MORNING, HC! Lots of time and effort go into the making of our morning announcements. Vidtech OPINIONS members all work together to make the announcements with each member having their own assigned tasks. Some work on the script, some are in charge of the birthdays of the day, and some set up the filming equipment. Once they've finished filming, another is assigned to edit the video completely before the bell rings at 8:30. After that, they send out the video to be played by the faculty during the second period of the day. It is certainly no walk in the park to be in VidTech. 1. Kyle Helberg Ben Mize, Warren Anderson 2. Kyle Helberg 3. Ben Mize, Noah, Warren Anderson 1 2 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS “I really like the people-- they're really cool. Juicy's jokes are always funny as well. ” Warren Anderson “Hanging out with my friends in VidTech is always a great way to start my morning.” MC Been HAVE A GREAT DAY!

ARTS-Yearbook 1. Hannah Fisher 2. Hannah Pullin 3. Kate Shaw 4. Elena Grillo 5. Carson Lehane 6. Bella McKissack The Yearbook team has ladders to help keep track of their pages. The one pictured in the left is primarily for the senior ads placed at the end of the yearbook. Highlighters and markers are used to indicate whether or not a student needs to submit an ad form, pictures, or payment. On Mrs. McCurdy's bulletin board, the assignments for each Yearbook member throughout the year are pinned. These little pieces of paper help Yearbook members keep track of what they need to get done for each deadline. Highlighted text indicates that a page has been done. For sorting various forms and pictures submitted for senior ads, the Yearbook team makes use of the folders in front of Mrs. McCurdy's desk. Each folder corresponds to one student and may come with additional messages and instructions besides forms and pictures. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Yearbook Seniors Meet one of the co-business managers, Caitlin Smith. A very dedicated member of yearbook, always doing her job to the fullest. Welcome Senior Staff Jordan Bany! Once she sits in her favorite chair in the classroom, work always gets done as soon as possible. Open your eyes to the Senior Editor, Hannah Fisher! Being a long-term hardworking member of the yearbook team, she knows the art like the back of her hand. ORGANIZATION IS KEY Yearbook is more than just taking pictures There are multiple monitors inside Mrs McCurdy's classroom that the Yearbook team uses when doing their pages. Sometimes, the Yearbook members need screens beyond the size of their laptops. These monitors are also used for printing and scanning pictures for the ads they make for students.

135 BEHIND THE BOOK Take a look at what Yearbook Journalism students have to say about their work. “I really like designing ads because seeing how your design looks in the end is always satisfying.” - Bella McKissack “The satisfaction from completing your page is very rewarding.” -Caitlin Smith “Designing ads allows me to explore InDesign and figure out how to use the picture effects.” -Claire Kimzey Introducing Riley Warnica, Caitlyn's partner in yearbook business management! Though mostly busy, she never fails to accomplish her tasks for the yearbook. STATISTICS Best part of the class 63.6% Seeing their page finished Writing captions 9.1% Taking photos for yearbook Designing ads 17.3% 10%Interviewing students and faculty 0% TABLE OF FRIENDS As they work, Yearbook members enjoy each other's company. They grew closer to each other as the year went by. "I've made some really good friends in this class, so I'm thankful I took this elective," Claire said. Photo by Dreighven Penilla NEW ADDITIONS Starting off 2024, sophom*ores Millie Metz and Elizabeth Thompson enjoy their first day in Yearbook. They transfered in the spring and are warmly welcomed. "It was kind of confusing at first, but we're getting it now," said Elizabeth. Photo by Dreighven Penilla ON BUSINESS! Working on a newly assigned task, seniors Riley Warnica and Caitlin Smith collaborate. They worked together to record and sort each ad order. "It's fun walking to the business office– I see all my homegirls there," Caitlin said. Photo by Dreighven Penilla THE HANNAHS Being productive, senior Hannah Fisher and junior Hannah Pullin work on their deadlines. Besides that, they also checked other members' pages. "I like working with Hannah F. because she really shows her passion for Yearbook," Hannah P. said. Photo by Dreighven Penilla


Competition • Adventure • Gritty hletics Sports & Action 100% Match • 23-24 • New Release Houston Christian has a reputation for excellence on the courts, fields, and even in the pool. Through practices and games, wins and losses, the Mustangs come out on top. Cheer on the teams and see the process of champions!

ATHLETICS-JV & Freshmen Volleybal JV White season Kinkaid - Win Fort Bend Christian Academy - Loss Awty - Win Northland Christian - Win Bay Area Christian - Win Second Baptist - Win Frassati - Win St. Agnes - Loss Episcopal - Win How did you feel during the game? Avery Overton “I was sad it was our last weeks of volleyball, but I'm proud of what our team has accomplished together. It was so much fun for our first year.” VOLLEYBALL VICTORIES As the ball is being served over the net, Jordan Haselhorst steps in and sets the ball. That tournament game that the JV blue team was competeing in was important to see which bracket they went in. Jordan said, “I was nervous for the last few game points.” Photo by Katie Gassett BUMP & SPIKE After setter Hailey Nuno sets the ball to her hitters, Connally Kuykendall and Madi Melton go up to do an approach. The JV white team was scoring many points on kills in their last home game. Madi Melton said, "This season was so much fun." Photos by Katie Gassett Lily Orr “I was nervous when going up to hit the ball. It was the last few points of the game against Episcopal and we were ready to win.” Brynn Sitta “We were doing great so far in the season. Our serve recieve was doing really well and we were celebrating so much as a team.”

139 GAME, SET, MATCH JV White Roster: Abby Dickerson, Eden Droog, Abbey Head, Piper Herauf, Iliana Hernandez, Connally Kuykendall, Addy Medlock, Madi Melton, Ellen Moore, Hailey Nuno, Kiersten Reed, & Brynn Sitta. Coached by Lauren Peltier. JV Blue Roster: Ella Bryant, Sally CdeBaca, Madison Clapp, Analeigh Du'Vingead, Mackenzie Grimmer, Jordan Haselhorst, Paige Hill, Emery Melton, Lily Orr, Kinsey Reed, & Kate Shaw. Coached by Jacob Howie. Freshman Roster: Jenny Champagne, Morgan Clapp, Simone Cook, Lily DuBose, Maya Garibay, Payton Givens, Bethany Hollingsworth, Audrey Johnson, Avery Overton, Avery Pontbriand, Sophia Rahim, Annie Trozzo, Reese Watson, Caitlin Wheat. Coached by Charlotte Stuart. Photos by Firstname Lastname An epic year of teamwork and togetherness GOOD TIMES The JV blue team has their Mustangs ready for a team picture. The girls were so proud because they had just placed second in their tournament. Paige Hill said, "I loved getting to skip school and spend the day with my team.” Photo by Stephanie Reed TEAM HUDDLE The freshman team is jumping up and down. They were celebrating their first win at a home game in the McNair gym under their coach, Ms. Charlotte Stuart. Reese Watson said, "We were so proud of each other after going into three sets and winning." Photo by Katie Gassett SETTING AND SMILING The girls are standing together and smiling for a photo before a home game while the rest of their team was reffing for the freshmen team game. Mackenzie Grimmer said, "I love spending time with my team on and off the court." Photo by Katie Gassett

ATHLETICS-Varsity Volleyball "Whenever I have challenges, I pray to God about my problems and talk to my parents." "I overcome challenges by talking to my friends, family, and coach to help me." "Perseverence is what gets me through all challenges and faith that it will work out." "In volleyball practice, there is conditioning, but I love this sport so much, so I keep it up." "When i'm tired, I think about how this will all be worth it when I know how to perservere in games." "I think about my future goal and I just push through." "Come in confident and don't be nervous around upperclassmen." "Play your best and have a great mindset and a great attitude." "Have positive energy on and off the court and always be kind." How do you overcome challenges? How do you perservere even if you're tired? What is advice you can give underclassman? Emma Guild Sara Dewhurst Chelsea Martin "I'm going to miss my team and all the seniors once the season is over." Chelsea Martin CEThwiThthAnbaovhitKa& AQ TEAMWORK All the girls are huddled together with Coach Jones to prepare for their game. The varsity girls played amazing and won the game. "These girls are awesome to play with, they are so diligent," said Chelsea Martin. Photo by Katie Gassett. GOING FOR THE HIT Taylor Mackel and Emma Guild both go in for the set to hit it from Madison Kreiger. Taylor hit the ball over the net and won the point for the girls on Friday. "We were both going for it and we both had to be ready for whoever she set." said Taylor Mackel. Photo by Katie Gassett

141 SET UP FOR THE WIN Lady Mustangs During a Friday game, sophom*ore Kaiya Banks slams the ball over the net. The game was long lasting, but the Mustangs came out with a win. "I love my team so much and am glad to have them," said Kaiya Banks The varsity volleyball game consisted of all of Angelina Krafts best digs and saves. Angie played amazing on Friday and the Mustangs won the game. "I try my hardest for these girls and I'm glad to have them," said Angelina Kraft. Kaiya Banks Angelina Kraft power hits great saves TEAM CHEERLEADER Our very own senior Emma Samuelson is seen cheering with the bench when getting off the court. Emma made amazing kills and some amazing digs. "I love my team so much and I love when the cheer me on and me me words of encouragement," said Emma. Cheering her on! TALK IT OUT During the game, the varsity team huddles together to discuss their strategy. The Mustangs had lost the point and were working together to gain their point back. The next point went to the Mustangs and they proceeded to win the set. The Mustangs pushed through the game with the intention of winning and came out strong. SAVES When the ball goes over the net, Madison Kreiger moves to get the ball. Madison got the ball up in the air and saved it. Madison said, “The ball was coming my way, and I reacted out of instinct.” Photo by Katie Gassett CELEBRATION The girls celebrate a win after a tough rally. The game was hard, but the girls played great. Angelina Kraft said, “The ball kept coming back over, and every time we hit it back.” Photo by Katie Gassett

ATHLETICS-JV Football "I love my team, and it was so nice to see people I knew in the stands watching me” Robert Jones "When I made an interception Robby Jones against Episcopal." "When the seniors compared the coaches to different celebrities." "When I fumbled the quarterback and Lane got a scoop and score." "My all time favorite memory was when we beat Episcopal." "When one of my friends said, "Golly them boys in blue really gave it to John Cooper." ThstlaaltranBmaltiFAVORITE Memories Jackson Weber Paul Hill Sam CdeBaca Greyson Williams ALL THE WAY DOWN Attempting to score a goal, the freshman Anderson Beken runs down the field and moves toward the goal. Anderson said, “I was thrown the ball, and I saw a clear opening.” KICKING TO THE GOAL PASSING DOWN THE YARDS The ball is in junior Bennett Cooper's hands and he throws it down the field, where another player catches and makes the play. Bennett said, “I threw the ball down the yards and he caught the ball and ran to the touchdown.” AVOIDANCE The other team tries to tackle down the one of our Mustangs but misses. The ball was thrown down the field and the play was made. Alexander Ganim said, “I saw him coming and dodged him.” Photos by Kirk Hawkins

143 Freshmen Highlights The ball lands in freshman Jackson Barrow's arms as he has a clear shot at a touchdown. The touchdown was a success and the Mustangs celebrated the score. Freshman Aiden Pitcaithly, gets ready to make the play against a hard team. The play turned out good and the Mustangs went into the lead. As the ball is caught in the end zone, junior Jojo Ferruzzo celebrates his touchdown. The ball was thrown all the way down and JoJo caught it into his waiting arms. Katie Gassett Katie Gassett Katie Gassett 1. The kick was made and went into the field goal. Photo by Katie Gassett 2. The ball is passed to the quarterback and then the ball is thrown down the field Photo by Katie Gassett 3. The ball is thrown into Jojo Feruzzo's arms to get the ball dwn the yards, and this resulted into a tackle. Photo by Katie Gassett Jackson Barrow "My favorite part of the football season would be playing with my teammates and to have this opportunity to be here." Hunter Jones "My favorite part of the football season was the relationships I made." Conner Pope "During the season, my favorite part was all of the football games and the bus rides." Jojo Feruzzo "I liked late night bus rides with all my friends after the games." Ron Reis "My favorite part was watching film with my friends and seeing all the embarassing plays." Season Favorites The Mustangs are such a strong team who have long lasting practices and they all have grit. The players all try their hardest at practice and at football games. Because they spend so much time together, they all have memories of those times. The Best Mustang Plays 2 3 1

ATHLETICS-Varsity Football Favorite moments Favorite Moments from our Favorite Team Kade Gulledge Anderson Jones Ron Reis, Bret Kilchrist AFRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS A winning season makes memories STOPPING THE BALL At the game against Greenhill, Senior Matthew Shaw tackles the reciever and forces Greenhill into a 4th down. The game ended with a score of 54-9 After the game, he said, “I saw him getting away from my teammates, and I knew I had to move fast and get there.” Photo by David Young D-LINE DROPPING Seniors Bret Kilchrist and Ewan Highberg make an incredible play when Bret blocks for Ewan. This run gave the Mustangs another touchdown. After the game, Bret said “I saw the D-line coming for Ewan, and I knew that I had to block them.” Photo by David Young

145 1. Anderson Jones catches a pass at the St. John's game. Photo by David Young 2. Joseph Trickett talks to Coach Yelvington about the next play. Photo by David Young 3. The team enters the field with Stang Gang leading them. Photo by Sherry Shepherd 4. Junior Quincy Lewis congratulates Senior Ewan Highberg for his rushing touchdown. Photo by Sherry Shepherd 4 3 1 2 Meet the Captains Alex Klein, #34, plays Linebacker. His favorite game was at Trinity Valley, with a score of 34-32. His favorite part of the season was bleaching his hair with the team. #1, Bret, plays Quarterback. His favorite game was against Trinity Valley, with an ending score of 34-32. His favorite part of the season was getting to play with his brothers and having so much fun. Adam, #5, plays Linebacker. His favorite game was John Cooper with a score of 28-14, qualifying us for SPC Championship. Adam's favorite memory from the season was getting to go to state for his senior year. Jack plays wide reciever at #12, and his favorite game was John Cooper. Jack's favorite memory was qualifying for SPC Championship. #7, Jordan, plays Defensive back. His favorite game was Fort Worth Country Day, with a score of 34-22. Jordan's favorite part of the season was the bus ride back from Dallas after beating Trinity Valley. Alex Klein Bret Kilchrist Adam Sheppard Jack Henning Jordan Elie-Stuart Alex Klein, Adam Shephard Bret Kilchrist, Bennett Mallory, Eric Mayfield Graeme Highberg Smith, Ewan Highberg Coach Yelvington, Mac Barrow #18, Luke, plays Wide Reciever. His favorite game was Trinity Valley, with a score of 34-32. Luke's favorite part of the season was qualifying for SPC Championship. Luke Pidgeon

ATHLETICS-JV Cheer What is your favorite skill? “My favorite skill is roundoff through to tuck. I think it is so fun to flip and go fast.” Olivia Oberoi “I enjoy doing straight up liberties because I love the reaction on people's faces when we hit it.” Ashlyn Kling “I love being able to backspot extensions because I love watching my flyer go so high up in the air.” Marlee Wilder “My favorite skill is standing back handsprings because it is fun to flip back and block off the ground.” Abbie Mulanax “I got to base an extension lib with my stunt group this year. It is my favorite skill because it involves hard word, trust, and communication.” Meredith Lim “I love doing basket tosses because it is so fun throwing our flyer high up and watching her do some sort of skill. I especially love doing toe baskets.” Carson Lehane johahogasmnealthwthnoMUSTANGS! LET'S FIGHT! KeepingHC cheerful GOOD GAMES AND GOOD VIEWS While watching the football game, the cheerleaders are taking in the beautiful sunset. At Concordia Lutheran High School, the JV girls noticed the beautiful view and were able to get a picture during halftime."The view was so beautiful we could not pass up the opportunity to get a picture.” said Meredith Lim. Photo by Kyrsty Kling PICTURE DAY Smiling for the camera, Meredith Lim, Olivia Oberoi, Marlee Wilder, and Gracie Gregg are taking a picture while waiting for their turn on picture day. Before school started, the cheerleaders had the opportunity to take team and individual pictures. Gracie said,"Picture day was so fun, especially getting photos with my friends.” Photo by Ashlyn Kling

147 g of g “I love when we do "Hey Hey Get Up Yell Blue White" because it is fun to jump around.” Lily Stoval “My favorite dance is when we do Kelsey. The motions are so fun to do and we always look good when we do it.” Marlee Wilder “I love doing the Kendal dance. It is so cute and fun to do and we do it at every game.” Ava Floyd “My favorite cheer to do it "Go Fight Lets Win" because I think it sounds so cool when we all clap in unison.” Gracie Gregg GAMEDAY GAMEDAY Every Thursday comes with so much joy and eagerness. These girls work so hard in practice and the games show how their hard work pays off. Every game you can see these girls with big smiles and sharp motions. The girls never have a bad attitude and are always willing to put in the work so that they represent the school well. Even when that means staying late at practice, they have smiles on their faces and do not complain. Gracie Gregg Marlee Wilder Ashlyn Kling, Olivia Oberoi, Abbie Mulanax, Carson Lehane Ava Floyd, Abbie Mulanax Favorite cheer or dance? Exhilarated for the game Meredith Lim and Ashlyn Kling get ready to cheer for the varsity football players. On homecoming night, the JV girls are given the opprotunity to cheer at the homecoming football game. This is a game that the girls look forward to every year. HOCO GAME KICKOFF TRADITIONS While at the homecoming game, Ashlyn Kling and Gracie Gregg hold up the Stang 'em hand sign while in a stunt. This is a fun tradition the girls do during every kick off. Ashlyn said, “Going in the air for a stunt is so fun and thrilling.” Photo by David Young FUN TIMES AT GAMES Always with the biggest smile, Ava Floyd does an amazing job doing the fight song. While at Episcopal High School, the team did the fight song many times because of how well the football players did. Ava can always be seen with a big smile at the games, especially when the team does well. Photo by David Young A WELL BONDED TEAM With so much love in their hearts, the team gets ready for the game. The cheerleaders always have so much energy before the games and smiles are always big. Olivia Oberoi said, “Right before the games is great because we are all so excited to go out and cheer.” Photo by David Young TOUCHDOWN After the Mustangs scored a touchdown, the cheerleaders are do the fight song. The girls do this after every touchdown to celebrate. Lily Stovall said, “Doing the fight song is one of my favorite things to do at games.” Photo by David Young

ATHLETICS-Varsity Cheer Cheering our teams to victory! OCTOBER TRADITIONS Every October the cheerleaders use pink poms and pink bows for breast cancer awareness month. The girls want to do everything they can to raise awareness for breast cancer. They also love for people to be able to see the poms and bows during this time. While cheering for the Mustangs, the football team got a touchdown. When this happens the girls are able to do the school's fight song and dance. This is a tradition that is loved among the cheerleaders. They also love making the crowd even more excited about the touchdown. During every game in between third and fourth quarter, the team does a cute dance called the Tootsie Roll. This is a dance that the cheer captians made before camp. Everyone loves doing it and it is so fun and cute. The fans especially love watching the girls because it is so fun. CELEBRATE YELL IT WHICH GAMETIME The varsity cheerleaders love fridays nights because they all get the opprotunity to cheer on the amazing mustang football team. Even on nights when the football team does not win, these girls are still being excited and keeping their spirits up. Doing things like cheers and band dances are examples of things that they will do in order to get the fans and football players excited for the game. 1. Raley Gregg, Abby Hawkinson, Natalie Taylor, Kaitlyn Jennings 2. Adelyn Winters 1 2 3 UNIFORM? “My favorite is the blue uniform because I love the pleats on the skirt” Jill Drury “I love the black uniform because I think that the HC on it looks very clean” Hadley Moore GO! FIGHT! WIN!

149 Big Smiles At every game, the girls get the opprotunity to be announced. They always have big smiles during this time. Bella Mcdaniel Lauren Hartman Natalie Taylor Lizzie Spears Charolotte Vargo s . NEW NEW NEW This year Coach Young brought back a uniform that everyone loves. The white oxfords are very sleek and look great when the girls wear them with boots at school. "I love the oxfords they are so cute,” said Charlotte Vargo. Photo by David Young VICTORY DANCE Celebrating the big win, Seth Perkins and the team dance to the song "Hit the Quan." This is a fun traditon that the cheerleaders started that Seth joined in on. Mia Granados said, “It is such a fun celebration that I look forward to every game.” Photo David Young SAD GOODBYES Passing on the torch, the seniors get recognized for the amazing impact they have had on the team. Senior night this year was bittersweet because all the girls will miss these girls so much. Lea Hlaihel said, “HC cheer will always hold a special place in my heart. I will miss it so much.” Photo by David Young HOCO PYRAMIDS Hitting their final stunt, the girls are elated that they hit their entire routine. At the homecoming game the entire program performed an amazing routine for the whole school. Adelyn Winters said, “Performing at homecoming was so fun and hitting the final pyramid was exhilarating.” Photo by David Young

ATHLETICS-Silver Spurs FRESHMAN FRESHMAN FRESHMAN Whats your favorite dance? “My favorite dance is Applause.” -Pressley Givens “I love performing 'Lets Go Girls.” -Camella Brown “My favorite dance to perform is Applause.” -Abby Pisklak Favorite Spurs Memory? "My favorite Spurs memory is getting ready with everyone before the football games." -Georgia Bedre "I love the Spurs sleepover we do every year!" -Elizabeth Mason "I would say my favorite Spurs memory was the Spurs sleepover when I got to bond more and grow close as a family." -Kaylin Caesar "My favorite thing about Spurs is the Friday night football games." -Amelia Cooper F1tbSENIOR SPURS Smiling big, seniors Elizabeth Longwell, Natalie Taufer and Evan Marie Donohue pose for a group photo at their last first football game. The senior girls have done Silver Spurs all four years. Elizabeth said,"Spurs has helped me have life-long friends." HOMECOMING GAME Wearing vintage costumes, the Silver Spurs perform at the Homecoming football game. Every year at the homecoming football game the Spurs pay tribute to alumni by wearing the old costumes. THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER The Silver Spurs team sing the National Anthem before the football game. Everyone knew that the game and excitement was getting ready to start when the Spurs made their way to the sidelines. BACK TO SCHOOL BEACH BASH During the first pep rally of the year the officers show case their talent. The Silver Spurs have many opportunities to perform during the year including pep rallies, football games and competitions.

Houston Christian High School Viata 2024 Yearbook - Flip eBook Pages 101-150 (2024)
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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.