Top 20 Benefits of Taking MSM Supplements | Learn About MSM Health Benefits at Agape Nutrition (2024)

The ageing process takes quite a toll on the body. It doesn't just affect the way we look but the way we feel. That's where the health benefits of MSM supplements come into play.

Top 20 Benefits of Taking MSM Supplements | Learn About MSM Health Benefits at Agape Nutrition (1)

MSM supplements can significantly improve the effects of ageing and make us look and feel much better, drastically improving our quality of life. But there are many other benefits of MSM supplements, too.

In this article, we'll cover the top 20 MSM supplement benefits, explain exactly what MSM is, how to take it and why Agape Nutrition is your best source for MSM supplements.

1. MSM Supplements Aid in Detoxification and Cleansing the Liver

One of the major MSM vitamin benefits involves detoxifying the body. Most importantly, MSM makes cells more permeable, allowing toxic and metabolic waste to be removed from cells – thus, letting critical nutrients and hydration into the cell.

MSM also dissolves calcium phosphate, thus, breaking down calcification in the organs, bones and muscle tissue that causes degenerative disease.

Detoxing or cleansing the liver has some amazing health benefits:

  • Improves overall liver function
  • Improved production in fat burning bile
  • Improves fat-burning capability resulting in weight loss
  • Boosts your immune system
  • Breaks down liver, gallbladder and kidney stones and discourages formation of new stones
  • Increases energy
  • Improves vitality
  • Reduces skin conditions such as acne, dermatitis, and psoriasis

Make sure you drink enough water throughout the day to flush out dead cells and toxins and avoid the uncomfortable symptoms caused by detoxification.

2. MSM Improves Skin Elasticity and Youthfulness

Another one of the critical MSM supplement benefits is stimulating the production of collagen and elastin fibers. MSM strengthens existing fibers, Improving the skin's natural support structure. This helps plump up fine lines and wrinkles, and reduces sagging caused by ageing.

MSM aids in moisture absorption of skin cells, allowing the skin to be more youthful and radiant. Combining MSM with Vitamin C powder has also proven to have amazing health benefits and can be used to make natural skin creams and serums.

The coarseness of MSM makes it a great exfoliator to combat dry, flaky skin.

Research has proven that regular use of an MSM supplement benefits you by complementing treatment for conditions such as:

  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Rosacea
  • Extreme dryness
  • Dermatitis
  • Sensitivity
  • Acne
  • Scalp irritation
  • Dandruff
  • Wind or sunburn
  • Wounds, cuts, or abrasions

3. Treats Osteoarthritis and Alleviates Joint Pain

MSM assists the body in creating new joint and muscle tissues. It decreases inflammatory responses that can increase swelling and stiffness in the joints and is thus a natural anti-inflammatory.

Sulphur also positively impacts and strengthens the immune system and allows for normal cellular activity. MSM aids in the effective absorption of Vitamins C, B, D, E and minerals such as magnesium and selenium. It allows the body to utilize these minerals and vitamins more effectively.

4. MSM Supplements Improve Movability and Flexibility of the Body

An MSM vitamin benefits you by supporting the absorption of certain minerals and vitamins into the body and moisture into the joints, positively affecting bones and joints.

It increases flexibility through improved nutrient intake and the production of new muscle tissue and permeable skin cells. It also supports cartilage growth, aiding in mobility and flexibility of the joints.

5. Improves Digestion and Eases Bowel Movements

The natural anti-inflammatory effects of MSM can lower the risk of food allergies and restore the digestive tract lining. This improves leaky gut syndrome and overall digestive health by balancing the body's natural PH levels (the balance between acid and alkaline in the body).

Helping to cure conditions such as IBS, diverticulitis and chronic constipation is another of the benefits of MSM.

6. Strengthens Nails & Hair and Restores Hair Growth

Sulphur strengthens collagen and keratin fibers which are vital for the health and strength of hair and nails. Regular consumption of MSM will help stimulate the production of new collagen, keratin and elastin fibers and add thickness and strength to the hair and nails, allowing hair to grow longer and more lustrous. Nails will also grow longer and stronger.

7. Improves Muscle Soreness and Fatigue

The anti-inflammatory effects of sulphur reduce pain and swelling that can cause overall tiredness and muscle pain and fatigue. MSM supplement benefits also include boosted oxygenation in the muscle, thereby increasing healing and rejuvenation.

8. Accelerates Healing

With the effects of detoxification, cellular renewal, and elimination of byproducts such as lactic and uric acid in the body that cause pain and discomfort, the body can heal and regenerate faster than normal.

9. Reduces Stretch Marks and Scarring

One of the more popular benefits of MSM is that new cells are generated, and collagen and elastin production is improved. Therefore, damaged skin tissue that usually results in unsightly scarring and stretch marks is now reduced through this improved cell turnover and healing effect. As an added benefit, you can use MSM crystals as a scrub on affected areas to stimulate blood circulation and healing of the skin.

10. Naturally Increases Energy Levels

70-80% of the body's natural energy is dedicated to digesting the food we eat, slowing down all other energy-consuming processes such as nutrient absorption, healing, cell regeneration and detoxification.

MSM detoxifies the body and improves the rate at which the body absorbs nutrients, thus allowing it to focus less energy on flushing out toxins and grabbing the nutrition it needs. This reduces the energy used to digest food and allows more available energy to support other brain and body functions.

11. Reduces Inflammation

Excess weight and toxic build-up in and around cells are due to inflammation of the body. An MSM vitamin benefits the removal of waste caused by metabolic processes from cells reducing inflammation.

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Top 20 Benefits of Taking MSM Supplements | Learn About MSM Health Benefits at Agape Nutrition (2)

12. Manage Bronchial Asthma

In general, MSM reduces inflammation in the body. This is also true for the lungs. Due to this decrease in inflammation, the symptoms of bronchial asthma are reduced if not cured completely.

13. Combats Liver Disease

Sulphur improves the absorption of selenium in the body, which is necessary for manufacturing a powerful antioxidant called glutathione. The increase in antioxidants, reduction in inflammation, absorption of nutrients and cleansing the liver reduce the chances of liver cirrhosis, liver stones and other harmful liver-related illnesses.

14. Reduces Chronic Pain

Thanks to the regenerative properties and anti-inflammatory effect of MSM, chronic pain, especially in complex joints such as the knees, elbows, wrists and lower back, is significantly reduced.

15. Reduces High Blood Pressure

Studies have shown that an MSM supplement benefits patients with hypertension who have experienced decreases in blood pressure due to reducing inflammation in the body. In some cases, patients have completely relinquished the use of hypertensive medications.

16. MSN Vitamin Benefits Seasonal and Chronic Allergies

MSM can be used as an anti-allergy alternative. When a foreign compound enters your system, your body can react by producing allergy symptoms. In the long run, your body can become intolerant to these foreign compounds (such as pollen, animal fur, dust, iodine in shellfish and mercury in fish).

These symptoms are due to the release of immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies that combat this foreign compound. With regular consumption of MSM, your cells become more permeable, allowing them to remove toxins and foreign compounds effectively.

With a sulphur deficiency, cells can harden and become less nutrient and moisture dense, preventing the excretion of foreign compounds and toxins. This cell-flushing process helps reduce symptoms caused by allergies, hay fever and sinusitis such as runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, coughing, and redness and irritation of the face.

17. Increases Bone Density

MSM aids in the body's absorption of key nutrients such as calcium, magnesium and selenium. These nutrients support essential bone health functions and, therefore, can strengthen bones and make them denser.

18. Cures Arthritis

Arthritis is primarily caused by inflammation of the joints that results in a lack of mobility, redness and swelling. As a natural anti-inflammatory, MSM usage reverses the effects of arthritis and relieves the pain and discomfort it causes.

19. Heals Headaches

Improved oxygenation in the body relieves headache-causing pressure, stimulating the flow of oxygenated blood to the brain and improving a headache condition.

20. Lowers Bad Cholesterol

MSM lessens cholesterol build-up by dissolving plaque in the veins. It also prevents calcification of arteries.

Other Benefits of MSM Include:

  • Prevents Development of Scar Tissue
  • Fights Yeast Infections
  • Combats Muscle Cramps
  • Combats Hair Loss
  • Reduces Nausea
  • Reduces Hyperacidity in the Gut
  • Can Reduce Snoring
  • Balanced Hormones Naturally
  • Heals Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Normalizes Blood Sugar Levels
  • Fights Insulin Resistance
  • Reduces Stress
  • Helps to Dilate Blood Vessels
  • Increases Blood Flow Through the Veins
  • Blocks Cholinesterase to Restore Regular Bowel Activity.
  • Changes the Cross-Linking Process in Collagen
  • Speeds up Muscle Recovery After Exercise
  • Improves PMS Symptoms like Cramps, Headaches, Swelling Due to Water Retention and Indigestion
  • Aids in Significant Weight Loss
  • Emphysema
  • Heals Tendonitis and Bursitis
  • Relieves Fibromyalgia Pain
  • Heals Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid Arthritis Conditions
  • Can Prevent Lupus
  • Prevents Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Clears Post-Traumatic and Post-Operative Pain and Inflammation
  • Combats Heartburn
  • Relieves TMJ
  • Cures Infections and Inflammation
  • Combats Gum Disease
  • Improves and Heals Ulcers
  • Heals Temporomandibular Disorder
  • Boosts Immune Health
  • Improves Collagen Synthesis
  • Improves Cell Vitality
  • Stimulates Quicker Healing of Athletic Injuries
  • Improves Cognitive Function
  • Is a Natural Blood Thinner
  • Cures certain bladder disorders Like Interstitial Cystitis
  • Heals Repetitive Stress injuries
  • Reduces Eye or Mucous Membrane Inflammation
  • Cures Poor Circulation
  • Can Help Heal Scleroderma
  • Is an Anti-Atherosclerotic
  • Fights Free Radical Damage
  • Cures a Hangover

What is MSM?

Methylsulfonylmethane with the chemical formula (CH3)2SO2 is an organic sulphur compound that is a natural consequence of the earth's rain cycle. MSM is formed by the sulphur cycle, which is the evaporation of ocean water, breakdown of plant matter and weathering of volcanic deposits. It is not man-made.

The action starts with the release of sulphur into the atmosphere, where it is converted into a naturally bound form and broken down into DMS, Dimethyl sulfide. DMS is transformed into a gas and is oxidised into DMSO. This morphs into MSM which concentrates into atmospheric condensation. MSM then falls back to the earth as rain and is collected and concentrated in the ocean, rivers, soil and plants.

Top 20 Benefits of Taking MSM Supplements | Learn About MSM Health Benefits at Agape Nutrition (3)

MSM is also known as DMSO2, methyl sulfone, and dimethyl sulfone in the scientific community. It's a powder closely related to the liquid solvent DMSO Dimethyl sulfoxide. DMSO (known as a topical analgesic) only differs from dimethyl sulfone by the oxidation state of the sulfur atom. It's a white colorless substance and has a crystal-like form with a slightly bitter taste.

Pure activated sulphur is a vital nutrient to keep our bodies functioning optimally, and remaining youthful and healthy. It is said that MSM could cure up to 97% of known diseases. Sulphur can be found in certain organic foods but, unfortunately, loses its efficacy when heated and cooked.

Interestingly, sulphur is also found in soil, plants and all living organisms, as well as the atmosphere above the ocean and is used as a source of carbon by the airborne bacteria. It is also present in human melanoma cells.

Sulphur, naturally present in the human body, is primarily effective for detoxification and reducing inflammation. It's the forerunner to producing glutathione, the main antioxidant compound in the body. Research has shown that sulphur is essential to the creation and regeneration of cells and tissue in the body. It's found in over 150 different compounds within our cells and is a vital nutrient to the anti-aging process of the body and skin.

Sulphur promotes the production of amino acids, the connective tissue in the skin, nails and hair, stimulates enzyme growth, hormone production, and immunoglobulins. It also aids the body in maintaining the perfect PH Balance.

MSM is found in nature, but only in fractional amounts compared to regularMSM supplements.

If you suffer from a sulphur deficiency, you will experience uncomfortable symptoms such as stunted growth, fatigue, allergies, weak joints and connective tissue, and a compromised immune system.

Which Foods Contain MSM?

It is ideal to get your MSM directly from the source IE natural organic foods. However, quantities are small compared to consuming it via anMSM supplement.

Minute amounts of MSM can be found in the following foods:

  • Egg Yolk
  • Tomatoes
  • Kale, Swiss Chard and Watercress
  • Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Bok Choy, Onions, Alfalfa Sprouts
  • Apples and Raspberries
  • Corn
  • Port Wine
  • Tea and Coffee
  • Raw Unpasteurized Milk
  • Bone Broth
  • Nuts and Seeds
  • Garlic
  • Beer
  • Whole Grains
  • Legumes
  • Coconut Oil
  • Olive Oil
  • Grass-Fed Meats
  • Aloe vera leaves (excellent for healing when applied topically to wounds and skin irritation)
  • Spirulina
  • Moringa
  • Pine Pollen

Frequently Asked Questions About the Benefits of MSM

Here are some of the common questions we've received about MSM supplement benefits and how to take them. Please check out theFAQpage on our website for additional information orcontact uswith other questions you may have.

How Much Vitamin C Should I Take With MSM?

Combining MSM with Vitamin C boosts the health benefits. Focus on pure cranberry, orange, camu camu berry or lemon juice. You can also use pure vitamin C powder and mix it with MSM and water to form a drink. Although the recommended daily amount of vitamin C is 40mg, every person’s body is different and you should consult your physician to determin the safe amount of vitamin C for you.

What Dosage of MSM Should I Take?

Depending on the condition you wish to treat, doses may vary. A normal dose is a minimum of 500 milligrams of MSM three times daily up to a maximum of 8g. Introduce MSM gradually to your body, with 1-2 grams per day, and increase that dose as your tolerance improves. To get the maximum benefits of MSM if you have osteoporosis or other arthritic conditions or severe allergies, consume at least 3 grams of MSM twice daily.

How Do I Take MSM?

For general health benefits, simply begin with 1 teaspoon in 16 ounces of water twice per day and increase your intake to 2-3 tablespoons in 16 ounces of water per day for best results or to treat chronic illness. MSM can be taken dry and washed down with a glass of water, mixed in water or if the taste is an issue, it can be added directly to organic fruit juices or homemade smoothies.

MSM comes in quite a thick crystallised form similar to coarse salt. It can be laboratory-produced and is mixed with other supplements like chondroitin or glucosamine. It may be easier to dissolve in hot water to ensure MSM crystals dissolve properly. It's important to consume 1 full glass of water for every tablespoon of MSM.

MSM can also be purchased in capsule form if that better suits your lifestyle and tastes.

What Are the Side Effects of MSM Supplements?

There are no known toxic side effects for consuming or applying MSM to the skin. Mainly, side effects due to detoxification effects such as diarrhea, skin rashes, headaches, dizziness, dry mouth, and irritability may occur – however, these are fleeting and temporary.

It is important not to consume MSM if you are trying to become pregnant, are pregnant or breastfeeding.Also avoid MSM entirely if you are allergic to sulphur or any derivative thereof.

MSM is known to be safe when used in conjunction with other medications, however, it is always best to consult your doctor before adding any new supplements to your regime whilst under physician's care.

Shop Agape Nutrition Today & Start Enjoying the Many Benefits of MSM

At Agape Nutrition, we provide more than supplements. We also create protocols to support various medical conditions. These protocols and supplements have been tested over many years so we can provide you with the information and advice on healing ailments. Our goal is to help you live a healthier, holistic life. There are so many benefits of MSM, we're confident you'll find relief for any of the conditions we've discussed here. Get your MSM supplements today!

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References: The Benefits of MSM: A Complete Guide to The Power of MSM. MSM and Allergies, 2017 The MSM Miracle, 2014 MSM, 2017- 2018.

Top 20 Benefits of Taking MSM Supplements | Learn About MSM Health Benefits at Agape Nutrition (2024)
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