The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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Springfield, Massachusetts

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De Soto Ledge No 155 I Hesular neetlnK th! (Tlmr xiny) evenlns at 715 De Soto hall Uillmau street Old Member' nlfilit 1 JOHNSON ESOTERIC LODGE A A Stak'd Commnnlcatlort tl Thtirdnk evening at 730 I'er order I11OMAS HAWKS Secretary 4 PRIMARY PLAN Department at Request of QUOTES SPEECH a candidate Amusem*nts Meetings Etc ULL PEP NOTED TEACHER DEAD A LAST A MEETING THEODORE KARIE NAME IN EVERY PAIR was us MADE IN USA rropram To day 1 CAREY OR MEN WOMEN CHILDREN 4 News Mutt and Jeff ttrr I (Continued rom irst Page) SUNDAY DOUULt lArwes probably have a about the matter A wonderful "suede1 finish makes our sutv stantial duplex fabric from prolonged trip to the Countries will speak on: fl bill or This Week Only! Special Offering ar East Near'The Present NEITHER SIDE READY IN RAIL CONERENCE THURS RI SAT Sections of His Address to Second Pan American Congress An nounced to Set orth Views of United States The Greatest American Tenor of the Chicago American Tickets at the A and Music Stores ob Mr for identical in appearance with undressed leather Smart a revelation in Spring LAWSON TO RUN OR DELEGATE AT LARGE BOND ISSUE EOR BONUS OPPOSED with pearl In center and one cut pearl one white gold inside drop with two pearls and diamonds and cut pearl one green gold drop square with diamond in center one with cir cle of gold set with pearls inner clr SENATE GETS TANGLED UP IN ARTICLE 10 Last 3 Days erhnnls for two vears Miss school in 1889 was a delegate from this ountry the congress of secondary schools Paris in 1900 and to the congress teachers In Berne in 1904 COURT SQ THEATER TO SAT SAT MATINEE JOSEPH KLAW WISHES YOU TO MEET Washington March 10 Negotia tions between the railroad committee and the union representa tives on railroad wage demands were suspended temporarily to night The first session found neither side ready and adjournment was taken after brief discussion The date for resumption of the con ference was 'left to the committee It was indicated the sec ond meeting would not be held before riday and might not be called until next week Each side desired to col lect "certain the nature of which was not disclosed before continuing the discuSsion Miss Mary Colman Wheeler ound ed School in Providence Providence I March 10 Miss Mary Colman Wheeler founder and for more than 30 years the head of Miss school this city a col lege preparatory institution for girls died here to day from injuries re ceived a month ago in a fall Miss Wheeler was bom in Concord Mass and studied at Berlin and Paris after having taught in the Concord She estaousneo She to in of COLLEGE lGlIT CALLS POLICE New York March 10 Police serves from three stations were sum moned'1 to night to quell a free for all light which broke out in a Columbus avenue restaurant when Columbia sophom*ores attempted to break up a dinner staged by the freshman class In the 16th century a colony of Huguenot weavers fled "for conscience to Canterbury cathedral In their little chapel in the crypt rench Protestant services have been heldfot nearly 400 years since Sends to Office for Pa pers and Will State His Position Later QUANTITY It is only because we buy in Quantitythat we can 3 serve LUNCHEON from 12 to 230 1 for 75c and DINNER from 6 to 830 for $150 every day "GERMAN snip SEEKS ENTH Newport News Va March question whether the German I Paul now at anchor in Ham Roads may enter an American I in view of the fact that peace has been concluded was referred toj by the customs authorities here td state department The bark manned entirely by Germans State Minister rom Salvador Makes an Official Statement AT THE AUDITORIUM RIDAY MARCH 12TH Dancing from 8 to 12 Price Special Reporter March 10 Thomas all names except that of Gov Jane Cox were taken to day ormer Gov James Cajjipbe filed with Secretary of State Harve Smith a statement withdrawing name from the ballot but leaving hl consent to candidates for delegates 1 the national convention to name as second choice I Godden secretary of the den ocratic state committee filed a Pa test against the name James Monroe of Chicago on fl democratic ballot on the ground tfl bis declaration is insufficient James the second chfl candidate for General Wood delegj on the republican ballot to moifl is expected to tile a withdrawal ilar to that of Campbel That leave only Wood and Senator HariH on the preferential ballot fl HOTEL BKIDGWAY MILITARY BALL and POPULARITY CONTEST GIVEN BY CAMBRAI POST s' would be able to invoke article 10 if the United States did not respect their political Independence or territorial integrity That is why the insistence of certain senators that the United States assumes no obligation under article 10 has been misunderstood in other parts of this hemisphere It has been feared that the Senate did not want to pledge itself not to take' territory from neighboring countries That is why Mr definition of the Monroe doctrine as a principle of nonaggrandizement by the United States as well as European countries assumes new importance in Centra) and South America and is regarded as about the most important an nouncement on inter American policy that nas been made since the end of the war (Copyright 1920 by The Republican Publishing Company) rom Our Boston Lawson to day sent a messenger to the office of the secretary of state to tain nomination papers to enable Lawson to run as national convention Mr Lawson will statement to make later ART ROOMS Admission ree Showing Painting In the 43d Anneal excepting those sold and a few recalled tor a few day at 121 STATE 10 to 5 Suspension of Negotiations on Wage Demands After Brief Dis cussion Probably Till Next Week Second Chapter Lost Lately returned Pict and nrnncan World Situation a Challenge to Soloist: police stated that the three had left Vancouver several months ago and came from Oregon to this state in an automobile The machine was found in a local garage The police depart ment has taken possession of the machine to investigate its origin as well as that of the jewelry and cloth ing found in the rooms of the de fendants The description of the three is being sent broadcast in an effort to find out if they are wanted elsewhere 1 Besides the furs clothing per fumes and other articles found by the police when the room of Van Alten was searched were the follow ing pieces of jewelry: Goods ound by Police Pendants and lavallieres: one with sapphire and pearl one with green gold circle drop diamond in center one with green geld circle drop with diamond in inner circle of gold one I with bow knot of gold set with pearls (sapphire in center of bow two drops policy of the Unit the same time it I improper to ask for an interpreta Acting Secretary Polk in his Crt How trt MONROE DOCTRINE IS INTERPRETED DARKEST i (l Arts) STAR Two art Mark Sennrtt Comedy Krream with Louine I'axrnda aod other Whirlwinds ot Mip iTHE REVIEW S( KEEN SMILES GAUMONT MAVS COMING AMI EMALE" BRYAN WITHDRAW Lansing Mich March 10 William Bryan telegraphed Secretary of State Vaughan to day requesting that his name be withdrawn from the Michigan presidential nrimary April 5 He was advised by Mr Vaughan that the state law does not permit withdrawal after certification Steps to Clear Ohio Ballot Columbus March 10 Steps to clear the democratic primary ballot of two drops witn circle of pearls and diamond in each one white gold with diamond and drop pearl and green gold chain one white gold with small diamond and gold chain one gold with black circle and diamond in center one green gold three circle drops one larger than other and diamond in center of each one gold with filigree work diamond in center and three diamonds on three different drops center drop filigree work with diamond in center One Vatti rosary (gold chain and opal beads Two pink cameos: One square brooch with gold filigree work and can be worn as a pendant the other a round gold frame engraved Watches: One gold race wrist watch 15 jewel case style war ranted 20 years 9 ligne No on fancy gold chain one gold wrist watch on black silk strap octagon shaped plain back en graved front 15 jewel Swiss case American Beauty double gold No 246S9 sapphire on stem wind one octagon shafied gold watoh Swiss radium hands and numbers Case Alert war ranted No 6116984 engraved back place for monogram gold chain in purple velvet case naked "Graffe Stanek' manufacturing jewelers Heyworth building One pair of fieldglasses "Autocrat NG Eleven bar pins on velvet pa 3 marked One neckcnatn gun meiai vviu filigree balls and coral beads Rings: One ring with three ail monds center diamond about Ic carat others about gold ring and white gold setting one ring solitaire diamond 60 pennyweights ring and white gold seting one ring solitaire 60 penyweights gold ring and gold setting one ring solitaire diamond carat white gold ring and fancy octagon shaped setting one mice monds green gold ring engraved white gold front OIL PAINTING EXHIBITION I Time Extended Through March Owing to ebruary weather conditions time of our 10th Annual Exhibition will be extended through March MILLER CO i 21 Harrison Avenue THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: THURSDAY MARCH 11 1920 tunity should be allowed VAUDEVILLE PROGRAM HEADED BY SIGNOR RISCO amous Xylcphcnist MARKED Taken from inter II StoryThe Three Godfathers STEAMER ARRIVALS At London 8th Saxonia from New York MrsJimnieThompson The Daintiest Merriest Comedy ot the Season Three Acts ot un by Norman Rose and Edith Ellis At present market condi tions not a single pair ofThese boots could be replaced at their present: cost $800 $1100 to $1500 'A Ever ixe will be found' in some' of the even though sue is Sot represented in every lot Open This Evening Thomas Childs HOLYOKE ties Oil pcuMvn commissioners for a change in the law relative to me election of county commisisoners another petition for increasing term of these offices The committee on municipal zlrner vrxtfNl trt reDOTv fl authorizing cities and Jo ere memorial buildings in honor of them soldiers sailors nad marines Sex era! bills of this kind had been filed and riven hearings The committee al X) voted to report bills authorizing cities and towns to provide quarters for branches of the American Legion and i to erect headstones and monuments to commemorate soldiers sailors and marines who served in the world wa I tv end mPflTlS 3e mittee reported the big budget bi Xd for is $40478 9311 divided I into the tollowing four heads General CHIE COMMENDS WORK THU RI SAT ftfflMKSE MINSTRELS Greatest collection of burnt corf: artists in vauUeville Mrs Catt Jubilant New York March 10 "Suffrage is won The words are simple but they thrill as few words do or This was the enthusiastic conclusion ul Sirs Carrie Chapman Catt president of the American national woman suf frage association in a statement Is sued here on receipt of news that West Virginia had ratified pie fed era suffrage amendmbnt With Wist Virginia won and Washington and nci iimm soon in snecial ses sion the opinion expressed at national headquarters to night was that "the struggle is People who have followed the coUrs bf woman suffrage from the outside with indifference or small un derstanding of what has been at said Mrs Catt "wjll have no comprehension of the real message whlclT the West Virginia victory car ries to women To us it means that the 70 year struggle is over that the I women of America are enfranchisedwomen 1 now whatever comes out cf granting the suffrage to women it is safe tq predicwthat it will he I responsible for' any offering to the I genera! welfare except those thingswhich have been well considered and intelligently indorsed" I Kentucky Women May Vote rankfort Ky March Women of Kentucky would be permitted to vote in the 1920 presidential election regardless of whether the federal woman suffrage amendment is opera tive by then under the provisions of a bill which passed the lower house of Legislature last night A sim ilar bill is pending in the Senate The House measure is viewed as a compromise' in the fight of "state suffragists TWO TONE NOVELTY BOOTS Affording a choice of fine Brown Calf Black Calf Brown Kid Gray Kid Black Kid and Patent Leathers in high heel or low heel styles and leather or doth tops ONLY 345 PAIRS ARE INCLUDED in this Special Offering and all at the One Price of question and when President Sinsel de but Senator (Continued rom irst Page) "former soldiers if they continue to lie well organized as at present will get all their Replying to a question by Repre sentative Kitchin democrat of Nortn Carolina as to what representatives of soldier organizations be ex pected to make another request for financial aid 'from Maj Critchfield replied: can tell Any body of men which: thinks it can get something out of the rest of the American people will try to get all they Discussion In Senate Soldier relief also came up in the Senate where opponents of such leg islation outnumbered those advocat ing it Chairman Warren of the ap propriations committee and Senator Sterling republican of South Da kota presented petitions from sol diers opposing cash payments to for mer service mem 4 Opposing such payments Senator Warren said th6 pay was doubled that generous allowances were made them and a bpnus granted when chey were discharged Senator Sterling said a bonus would cost $2000000000 while the people already were struggling under an enormous debt and Senator Thomas democrat of Colorado interjected that if another bpnus were given it prob ably would be followed by a request for still another one Bonus Would Be Speaking in favor of a bonus Sena tor Trammell' democrat of lorida declared it would be a "tribute or recognition similar to that given Union veterans of the civil not a matter of commercializ ing mir he said "but a tribute of honor and respect to pay a debt of gratitude It is not a 1 cheapening of their patriotism If that is true rance Great Britain I and Canada have cheapened it for their political systems to this of tha Atlantic It did not disclose the use which the United States intended to make of her power on this side of the i Atlantic It was a hand held up in warning but there was no promise in it of what America was going to do with the implied and partial protec torate which she apparently was try ing to set up on this side of the water and I believe you will sustain me in the statement that it has been fears and suspicions on this score which have hitherto prevented the great inti macy and confidence and trust between the Americas The states of Ameri not been certain what the United States would do with her pow er That doubt must be removed And latterly there has been a very frank interchange of views between the authorities in Washington and those who represented the of this hemisphere an interchange of views charming and hopeful because based upon an Increasingly sure ap preciation of tfie spirit in which they were undertaken These gentlemen have seen that if America is come into her own into her legitimate own in a world of peace and order she must establish the foundations of amity so that no one will hereafter doubt them hope and I believe this can be accomplished These confer ences have enabled me to foresee how it will be accomplished will be accomplished in the first place by the states of America uniting in guaran teeing to each other absolutely polit ical independence and territorial in tegrity In the second place and as a necessary corollary to that guaran teeing the agreement to settle all pending boundary disputes as soon as possible and by amicable process by agreeing that all disputes among themselves should they unhappily arise will be handled by patient im partial investigation and settled by arbitration' and the agreement nec essary to the peace of the Americas that no state of either continent will permit revolutionary expeditions against another state to be fitted out on its territory and that they will prohibit the exportation of munitions of war for the purpose of supplying revolutionists against neighboring governments Same Idea Included in Article 10 It will be noted that President Wil son virtually proposed to the Latin American governments at that time what he has suggested in article 10 of the covenant Indeed nothing came of the three proposals because of the outbreak of the war which upset international relations everywhere but the most vital principles set forth by Mr Wilson in January 1915 have I 22 now been embodied In the coxcran hag teen calculated that the cost and the new members of the league lajny day in New York city is from Central and South America something like $100000 Senator Griswold of Greenfield Makes Attemptlo Substitute Bill for Keturn to Caucus System In His irst REALLY CHEAT Picture THE IGHT OR HEALTH is easily won By the man or woman who is willing to live in harmony with Law Cut out audi the open air eat less meat and more Shredded WHeat a simple nourishing easily digested food made of the whole wheat grain prepared in a digestible form Give Nature a chance Heat two Bis cuits in the oven and serve with hot milk (or hot salted water) the cheapest meal in the world and so nourishing and strengthening! (Continued rom irst Page) ing Senate rules to reconsider its own resolution rejecting the amendment iThe opposition had made its princi pal fight on this issue and raised a rmt 'cf order Senator llaryey Har mer leader of the suffragists and Senator Gribble the opposing leader debatea the I annealed to clinal to rule on' the joint it tn the Senate Harmer was sustained by a vote of 15 to 14 and then the House resolu tion was adopted Aajoumment taken until 10 a to morrow Pickford (Continued rom irst Page) dicated that they probably would present the substitute if assured of enough democratic defections to adopt it Democratic Disagreement Grows Meantime disagreement among the democrats became more pronounced partly as a result of a mbeting in the office of Senator Owen democrat of Oklahoma at which a number of democratic senators are understood to have expressed disapproval of the course of their party leaders and tc have promised active support to the movement to break away from Presi dent Wilson and accept the best com promise they could get7 Among some republican advocates of compromise it was declared to night that 32 democratic votes could be mustered for the article 10 sub stitute and there were indications that unless the republican leaders did present it one of the republican mild reservationists might doso It was also suggested that if the republicans abandoned it entirely it might be pre sented by a reservation' democrat Senate Chamber Almost Deserted While virtually the entire Senate membership was occupied with these negotiations the article 10 reserva tion technically was taken ur for de bate in an almost deserted Senate chamber But the were taking no chances that the unsettled situation would result in a stampede and they got the floor kept it Senators McCormick republican of Illinois and Poindexter republican of Washington occupying the entire day with nttncks on the treaty and on the recent utterances of President Wilson Countering the efforts of the demo cratic reservationists Senator Hitch co*ck of Nebraska' the "administration leader spent a busy dap in confer ence with his colleagues seeking to hold enough in line to balk the ac ceptance of a distasteful compromise He held to his prediction that the compromise movement would fail though he conceded that a consider able number of democrats were ready to vote with the republicans rom Our Special Reporter Boston Marcj Senator Gris wold of Greenfield 'made an unsuc cessful attefripf In the Senate this af ternoon to substitute' for' an adverse report the hill providing for aban donment of the system of direct pri maries and a 'return to the old caucus system in the nomination of candi dates for public office Substitution was refused on a standing vote of to 11 "The direct primary system has been trieA out and found wanting fie said were told we would have' better candidates tor office that the office should seek the man not the man the office This in my opin ion has not vome The primary system he said has given the rich an advantage oyer the poor in the conduct of political campaigns tn that they can purchase mediums through which they can be elected to office Senator Quinn of Swampscott tvho said he has been elected to office un der both systems declared that he Is in favor of that of the direct pri mary because it gives the voter a better opportunity of electing the man he wants to He reminded the sen ators that in the old days a great deal of took place in the election of candidates saying that he himself had been a member cf 'back groups who had put across the! men they wanted elected Senator Reed of Taunton said it is comparatively easy to corrupt a small body of men and held that it i MA nzi i rnniw'r i i requires i muitr nm elected under the new than under the Its totn expenditures to be pro old system vided for is $40489u3 divi (Ld In reply to a statement by Sen the tollowing four heads General ator Griswtrfd to the effect that vot a $35(194289 metropolitan dis ers do not exercise their rights un trlct $o5G0083: revenue sol der the direct primary Senator Hal diers bonus $200000 specnl rwen of New Bedford declared thatnue Boston dry dock di8ott tha same situation used to arise in I jdverSe Report on Berkshire Bill the old convention days railways committee re Senator Griswold said that in his Tne wreei th0 pcU 23 years of experience in politics he Berkshire street rail WtffwrtlSwXSSlSw corruption to all the acts of dele ported a bill for Paj mem gates to the conventions clpal employ hdifference between Beatty Elected Sergeant at Arm worKi the national gOvern James Beatty doorkeeper of the I mentandtheir municipal wages House was elected on the part Of I Thg House by voice voted rr the Senate sergeant at arms KOf to the'nexV the bill to the 31 votes cast he received 2S Ar Uaise from 14: to 16 years the ae thur Newhall of Stoneham being 1 at which children may given two and Charles Holt Senate senate substituted for art ad doorkeeper 1 verse report a bill to allow theblmd Senator Nason of Haverhill op to rlde on street railways tor nau posfed a bill amending the firemen si fare two platoon law whereby chiefs could I 3 hold on duty men on the second 1 TITT r'TNTT A rns hI WEST VIRGINIA year and believed that an oppor ADOPTS SURAGE i iiiiilv ATTACKS D1KLC1 practicable heroposed amendment PRIMARY PLAN toe flredchlef8Uin her of hours wh ch the men woudd work On a voice vulc passed to a third reading The committee on mercantile af fairs reported a bill allowing the granting of number plates under the supervision of the works department to garage and repairing establishments whose busi ness is not the selling of machines The present law gives siirh number Diates to those persons engaged irt the buying nnd selling of cars only The committee on public service reported a bill to give 'eaves of ab sence to veterans employed in the public service on Memorial day The Lame committee reported a bill fixing at $7 Per body the compensation of medical examiners for 'the service of investigating deaths prior to crema committee on fisheries and came with the dissent of Senator Churchill of Plymouth reported leave to withdraw on the petition for repeal of the law reouiring licenses to fish in the inland waters of the state The committee 'on reconstruction reported leave to withdraw on the petition for more compensation to the men who served in the war with Germany Leave to withdraw was reported by the committee on coun ties on the petition of several fouy and and the i Hampden Lodge A and A Ppeolal Conunnnlcatlon thin (Thursday) evening at 7 At work A Per order 'L PBJ11SU civ By David Lawrence 1 Special Dispatch to The Republican "Washington March 10 While the Senate of the United States has been debating reservations especial ly one that would permit this country alone to interpret the Monroe doc trine the governments of Central and South America have quietly sought and obtained an interpreta tion of that doctrine which rivals in Importance the original declaration by President Monroe To' Make Definition International Law The government of Salvador was the leader in the movement which has now taken on all the formal ity necessary to make the defini tion giVen by President Wilson an Integral part of International law or the covenant of the league of na tions will become international law so far as the are concerned and Salvador has just decided to enter the league with the understand ing of tha Monroe doctrine officially given her by the department of state upon instruction from President Wil son Some future administration can of course interpret the Monroe doc trine differently for it Is a national policy but the legal value of an ex ception noted at the time of entrance to the league cannot be exaggerated As the Senate of the United States had phrased it the Monroe doctrine was to be interpreted by the United State! alone but any incoming mem ber ot the league would have been in the position of signing a blank check accepting any interpretation which future administrations might seek to impose at least now they have a defi nition on which they can base future protests Other Governments Take Notice of Definition Practically all the Central and American representatives have obtained copies of the correspondence between the state department and the legation of Salvador and called it to the attention ot their governments each of which in all probability on entering the league of nations will make reference to the definition given by President Wilson and thus protect i themselves legally against wrongful USA nf tha RTnnrofi Hrx'trinp in fu i ture a circ*mstance has kept Spanish American countries sus picious of the United States for a I long time Acting Secretary Polk's Note The government of Salvador through its alert minister here' was careful not to try to define the Mon roe doctrine respecting the same as I purely a national cd States But at was deemed not the United States tion formal note to Salvador said: "The views of this government with reference to the Monroe doc trine were set forth in the address of I the president of the United States to the second pan American scientific congress copy of the pertinent por tions of which I beg to attach here I President Interpretation Then follows this extract from the speech of President Wilson January 9 1915 Monroe doctrine was pro claimed by the United States on her own authority It always has been maintained and always will be main tained upon her own' responsibility But tho Monroe doctrine demanded merely that European governments should not attempt to extend their BIJOU DOUBLE BILL DOROTHY DALTON (ive Acte) HARRY MOREY Auditorium Sunday Aft March 14 Speaker: GEORGE SHERWOOD EDDY fw i in wk Sr Xk 3a JsEZSr Xfl sa W3H nnTT I 5 taf ESH LA Entire New 11 sM 49 $6 9 1 pick: i I Aaudevi i 01 01 11 I I Qi sZ? i fa A ft I 44 1 1 1 mxws a 1 jZ OTHrdftL't? 4VAUDEVlLLEaM0WlE I.

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.